Lizardfolk of Perradin

History and Culture

  Lizardfolk culture and history is primarily oral in nature, as such it is difficult for outsiders to parse and retain. Most of this oral tradition is familial, following the family tree of both ends of the family. When a Lizardfolk is told the tales of their people, the narrative is seamlessly weaved between parents. However, this family history is only told when the children are young and in the slim timeframe when both parents are present, which usually omits any events that happen to be in the rest of the parents' lives. Their rarely-spoken-of dating system has always been bound to the moons of Perradin. As their phases do not regularly align with each other, the combination of phases is used as an indicator of time and space.
  Scholars believe that Lizardfolk originate from either the continent of Plentius or Pillarin. The archaeological record indicates nomadic trails across the area now known as the Hickerwick Wilds, made by great grizzly bear-led caravans. These nomadic societies have significantly evolved over time, and eventually branched out even as far as northern Pillarin. As Lizardfolk encountered various cities in the era before the Free Cities, some began to settle down and adopt the culture of the cities while synthesizing with their own. Eventually, roughly in the first millennium of the First Free City, Lizardfolk made their way to Sinderlan where their culture evolved further in the presence of such drastically different takes on society, particularly that of the Final Kingdom.


  Lizardfolk in Plentius follow the old ways, or at least the closest remaining approximation. Contact with the nomadic Lizardfolk of Plentius has been incredibly limited for most of history due to the incredibly inhospitable nature of Plentius to outsiders. The littler contact that had been made along the coast was mostly trade-related via free cities seeking inroads to the continent. What can be gleaned of the long history of Lizardfolk in the region indicates a very cordial and openly warm relationship with the elves of Lorthr'ten and its sister tribes in Plentius proper. They know little of war and prefer keeping to their nomadic tribes. Since the colonization brought by the Harwick Trade Company, they have extended this warm if indifferent relationship with company towns being dotted across the continent. Trade is enthusiastic, but the Lizardfolk do not seem interested in more than occasional exotic foods, spices, or tools. Treaties with various Lizardfolk nomadic tribes such as the Thixlo Caravan and the Khetou Wanderers have ensured company towns do not overextend their boundaries into traditional nomadic grounds.


  In Pillarin, Lizardfolk retained much of their nomadic lifestyle, but are significantly adapted to more urban society. Though they usually stick to the wilds of Pillarin, they will make trips to cities for extended trade missions. The nomadic tribes of Pillarin are far more insular in nature, opting to focus on just their select tribe rather than regularly work with other tribes to meet goals. This is certainly a cultural quirk which the Free Cities have imbued upon them, as this trait is shared by all Free Cities. Individuality is a strong part of Pillarin Lizardfolk identity as a result. There are times when Lizardfolk go off adventuring at the first opportunity across Pillarin in search of thrill and excitement through hunting or mercenary work. The first Lizardfolk to arrive on Pillarin came roughly in the first century of the First Free City. As this period existed before written language, it is unknown exactly under what circumstances this occurred. Lizardfolk oral tradition dictates that a great opportunity awaited them in Pillarin that could "free them," however there is almost no elaboration beyond this in the surviving oral tradition.


  The Lizardfolk of Sinderlan are the most acclimated to urban or stationary society. They are fairly integrated into society, with the main retained ancient traditions being their naming and courtship traditions. The ancient naming traditions are deviated from, usually pulling more honorific names given at birth rather than gradually assigned over early childhood. Additionally, the superstitions over surnames is all but abandoned. The initial influx of Lizardfolk on the continent was roughly in the 900s when a handful of nomadic tribes arrived across the sea with explorers from Pillarin. However, their numbers were in the hundreds, and were considered an excessively rare sight. One Lizardfolk is believed to have been present in the expedition that eventually resulted in the founding of the Didacy. The greatest influx of Lizardfolk came in 1504 when the Queen of the Starfall invited the largest caravan in Pillarin to settle in her lands. With this, nearly 1500 Lizardfolk settled near the city of Throne. They were dazzled by the nature of the city and excitedly entered Kingdom society. However, many witnessed the Starfall which ended the war with the Didacy. This was considered an affront to the very existence of the Lizardfolk, as the moon Velnor was a deeply ingrained part of their culture down to their calendar system, which caused many of the new settlers to riot within Throne. The rioters were slaughtered by the Queen's Bulwark. Several remaining Lizardfolk fled north to the Greysky Peninsula, home of the Hrim Expedition, where they resumed a nomadic life. Others left to more distant Kingdom cities and conformed out of fear of the Queen's power, many preferring the jungles of the Valley of Plenty. Today, the minority population of Lizardfolk in Sinderlan exist in western Kingdom or Crag cities, following the more urban lifestyle while others in Hrim are nomadic in nature, quite wary of non-Lizardfolk.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Lizardfolk given names are typically utilitarian or descriptive in nature, based upon the individual, usually in Draconic. Lizardfolk also have their surname, or Clutch Name, which is based upon a parent. The first clutch laid by a mother takes their mother's given name. The second clutch laid by a mother takes that of the father. Any further clutches will take the name of the mother or father's oldest siblings. Lizardfolk children can remain without a first name for years before finding one. The name can be chosen or given, and is most often bestowed by the mother or a sibling when the time is right. Lizardfolk names are largely descriptive relating to the individuals deeds or actions. Names of other races are inherently confusing when they rarely share any relevant information about the individual.
  In some more traditional circles of Lizardfolk culture, particularly in Plentius and parts of Pillarin, it is said that a Lizardfolk’s clutch name is a curse. While the name may fit the description of the mother or father, it can be a dark warning of what may elude or vex the children in life. While it is not considered an omnipresent burden, the Clutch Name is viewed more as a warning for what the children must be vigilant of in their life. More spiritual Lizardfolk will teach their children to be wary of this while more practical parents may prepare their offspring to face it head-on. Other forward-thinking Lizardfolk may ignore the “curse” entirely, dismissing it as coincidence that is brought attention to due to recency bias.
  An example would be a mother bearing a given name meaning strength. Her children's Clutch Name would be "Strength," but according to Lizarfolk tradition, they would likely be consistently presented with challenges of strength, mental or physical, that they would regularly struggle with attaining.
  In the unlikely case that there are no more parents or siblings left to give Clutch Names, the clutch will be nameless. This is considered an incredibly good omen in Lizardfolk society as it signifies they are free of any supernatural bindings to a particular destiny.

Gender Ideals

Lizardfolk typically do not ascribe to more traditional gender roles. Their sex, and usually by extension, gender are defined primarily by sheer utility and practicality. Reproduction, egg laying, and child rearing are all simply facts of life and usually do not affect specific roles. The only semblance of such roles is typically in family naming traditions in which the first clutch takes the biological mother's name and a second clutch takes the father's. Society at large outside of Lizardfolk communities tends to assign gendered pronouns based upon the perceived presented sex, which Lizardfolk typically just accept at face value usually with a small degree of confusion on the importance placed on silly pronouns.

Courtship Ideals

Mating is a purely utilitarian practice in Lizardfolk culture. A male will typically signal a desire to mate with their plumage, and a female that happens to accept will consent in mating. After the clutch has hatched, the father will stay long enough to ensure the children are happy and healthy, and will typically go about their life afterward away from the children. This process very unusually leads to any permanent bonding.

Relationship Ideals

Friendships and sibling bonds are very strong in Lizarfolk culture. The importance and strength of these relationships originates from the early life in the clutch in which the siblings are pillars of an individual's entire perceived community. Once siblings part ways, individual Lizardfolk usually will seek out platonic companionship or purpose due to a perceived hole in their social circle. When they find individuals who they form mutual bonds with, these bonds strengthen at an accelerated rate as they are incorporated into a new worldview for an individual Lizardfolk.
  Romantic bonding is far more common between same-sex/gender couples and forms the bulk of permanent Lizardfolk pairings. These are not romantic in the same way most other societies of Perradin view it, but they are nonetheless fulfilling for the parties involved. The bonds formed during these relationships are strong, despite some Lizardfolk not quite understanding the intense nature of the emotions involved. These relationships usually evolve from existing platonic friendships.
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