Nestled at the edge of the Redalian Hinterlands, the town of Maldonzan is a predominantly dwarven settlement and former mining community. The town was originally founded as a settlement of dwarven exiles from the Free Cities of The Orelands who were given refugee status after their flight from the violence surrounding the strict caste system of Dwarven Free Cities. Following the settlement authorization from the King of Honeyed Lyrics, Redalian Duke Rodney Copperwater, and Redal Speaker Mosir, the roughly 1000 dwarves led by Heim Streetpaver settled in an unoccupied region at the fringes of the Duchy of Redalia near the stable border with Ulana. Since its settlement, a handful of mines have been constructed and mined to depletion.
As of 9001, all mines around the town dried up, leading to a gradual exodus of young able-bodied dwarves to other parts of the Kingdom. As a result, the town's population shrank with few dwarves left of child-rearing age. The town's population as of the 9040 census was below 300, only keeping the legal title of town to honor the settlement's original purpose. Roughly 70% of the town is considered elderly. It is now known as a quiet place of reflection for the descendants of the original dwarven refugees and a symbol of the successful struggle to abolish the castes of Pillarin dwarves.
Belief in the divine guidance of the Monarch has been historically low, causing other Kingdom settlements in the region to regard the town with reticence or apathy. As a result, it has very few easily-navigable roads connect it to the rest of the Kingdom, none of which connect it to its home Duchy of Redalia. The main semi-maintainted road is a dirt and gravel road known to locals as Copperwater Way, which leads southeast to Ulana.
Founding Date
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Owning Organization
Characters in Location