Warforged 2

Hero of the Consulate, Former Luminary of the Didacy (a.k.a. Two)

Warforged 2 was born upon the Anvil of Emptiness on the 5th of Rekindling 1500 FFC. His identity and life before becoming a Warforged are lost to time. Being the second fully-realized Warforged in existence, his peers looked up to him as a role model and elder of sorts. However, his actions in the War of the Starfall became legendary in The Didacy and later the Consulate.
  During his service to the Didacy in the War of the Starfall, he was known for his mastery of the magical arts as well as his prowess with short blades. He served as a Luminary in the Didacy's armed forces, a rank analogous with General. Records are spotty regarding the nature of his contributions to the Didacy's strength, but it is certain that he made great strides in advancing magical knowledge. He disliked speaking on the subject of the war, and rarely responded to questions regarding it, much like all Warforged who survived the cataclysm. Because of this, many details of the years preceding, during, and immediately after the war are virtually nonexistent outside of official Kingdom accounts.
  After the Starfall, it is alleged that Warforged 2 was furious with how the Didacy handled the fallout. He publicly resigned his rank of Luminary and ventured out into the destroyed lands he had once called home. Several thousand other Warforged followed him in his abandonment of the Didacy, all venturing out to assist survivors in re-settling the ravaged region or setting out on their own quests for purpose.
  After a civil war within western Didacy territory in 3433 that bled into the Kingdom, he advocated for a new government. His dissatisfaction with the Didacy led him to become a founding member of the Didacian Consulate in 3434 when the various now-centuries-old island societies of the Stargash Crater reorganized their administration into a representative democracy. Warforged 2 was instrumental in establishing the constitutional limits on Didacy influence in the new government. In the 6000 years following the formation of the First Didacian Consulate, Warforged 2 served in various offices of state, military, and public service. He assisted with reformations of the government at times of collapse and in extensive rewrites of the Consulate Constitution. He was a subsequent framer of the constitutions of the Second, Third, Fifth, and Ninth Didacian Consulates. At one point, he was an advocate for anarchical rule between the Seventh and Eighth Consulates. During one term as Consul in 6437, Warforged 2 negotiated the Treaty of Bigton, which was a major step toward global international relations between Sinderlan and the rest of Perradin proper.
  When it became clear in the mid-8500s that his Warforged memory had become severely faded and that he had lost over an eon of his life's memories, he exited public life. Little is known about his private life until his death, but it is said that he spent these centuries quietly enjoying his life at his longtime private home on Vortex and sailing the seas. Still retaining memories of much of his post-Didacy political and military career, Warforged 2 would make occasional public appearances at events of honor. It is at one of these events that Warforged 2 met his end. The rogue Eladrin Linthea and her siblings led an attack on an event held at the Grand Hall on Vortex on 15 Dying Light 9047 FFC. During the ensuing chaos, the assailants attacked Warforged 2 and removed his Soul Cloister; his body blown apart and suspended in mid-air in a magical field. No witnesses remained to divulge details of the attack.
  A Didacy operative known as Throden approached Warforged 2's remains and removed his skull. The magical field then expanded and dissipated over the horizon. It is believed by some that this event was somehow related to the Circlecrash of 9047.  


Warforged 2, according to many scholars, is remembered as one of the most influential individuals in the history of Perradin. Instrumental in the formation of the Consulate, the global Teleportation Commission, the Sending Stone Network, and the inalienable rights of Warforged individuals, his actions shaped the face of modern society in the Consulate and across the entire world. While his contributions dwindled in the later centuries of his life, his popularity and near-mythical status remained consistent until the day of his death.    His death, as of early 9048, has not been made public by the Consulate government, still reeling from the effects of the Circlecrash and the attempted coup by Loch Admiral Yaruga. Having left very specific instructions in the circumstance of his death, these will likely be observed once the region's stability has been reestablished.
Date of Birth
5 Rekindling
Date of Death
15 Dying Light
1500 FFC 9047 FFC 7547 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Reborn upon the Anvil of Emptiness
Circumstances of Death
Soul cloister removed by Eladrin attackers
The Silver Citadel
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue Metal


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