Didacian Consulate

An archipelago nation, The Didacian Consulate is a democratic government that dominates the south of Sinderlan. The Didacian Consulate’s origins come from the Didacy, a powerful and renowned academy founded in 1235 in the town of Greenwave, the farthest southern landmass in the world. The Didacy explored every topic imaginable. Its leader, the Prime Didact, was considered the greatest mind in the world. The Prime Didact would pass down their role to a directly-descended heir.   The island of Swell was once part of the arctic south, lying just shy of the world’s pole. However, the Didacy used powerful magic to warm the oceans to unnaturally high temperatures. This caused a massive shift in climate, melting the glaciers from the south of Sinderlan and exposing long-frozen landmasses that were rapidly settled by groups emigrating out of the Final Kingdom to the north. The Didacy is based here in the town of Greenwave.   In 1500 FFC, Prime Didact Victus I became convinced the Didacy should teach the world how to live “properly.” He used multiple groups of mage battalions to quickly seize the south of Sinderlan. He soon invaded The Final Kingdom, attempting to take the city of Throne in an attempt to cripple the nation. However, the Queen of Starfall from The Final Kingdom met him in battle, striking him down. The details of this battle are lost to history, though it is unclear if this historical ambiguity occurred naturally over time or by intent by the survivors. The Kingdom city where the war ended became known as Victus’ Fall. The city was given to the Didacy as a gift by the Queen of Starfall to apologize for the massive losses they suffered in defeat.   Over time, the role of Prime Didact and the Didacy fell into mediocrity. The territory which it governed became democratic, eventually becoming a Republic with a pair of elected consuls and an Assembly of representatives. The Prime Didact and the Didacy remain to this day, but is considered a shadow of its former self. The Prime Didact has a ceremonial role in the government, but the Consulate constantly tries to exclude them. The only real remnant of the Didacy as a major part of their society is that its name became synonymous with the land it governed, now called Didacia.   Today, the Didacian Consulate owns the islands inside the Stargash Crater and some land outside of it. It recently moved its capital to the fortress island of Crater’s Rim to exercise more power on the mainland and to take more legitimacy away from the Didacy.   The society is now primarily maritime. The poor soil of the mainland and the islands has resulted in massive farming barges roaming the archipelago. The islands are linked by a massive bridge network centered on the main island, Vindile, home of its largest city, Crush. The city is tiered upon a large coral reef, featuring giant windmills, markets, and factories.   The Didacy remains in disrepair, but actively accepts and teaches students. Prime Didact Victus XXII is in a constant effort to restore the Didacy to glory, though he is rarely seen, with very few people knowing what he looks like.   Didacia maintains open, if cool, relations with The Final Kingdom.  


Founding Date
3434 FFC
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
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Organization Vehicles
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