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Gh'ensroke (gʰɛnzɹok / gʰɛnsɹokː)

After the unpleasantness of the Dermrheini Thtetūs, and the invasion of Ptarshakk, the tribes of the Qh'énnshaiyn Region came to a new concordance. Largely aided by Paln of House Lihgn and his allies, heirs, and descendants, the Eight Baronies were rechristened in the name of their patron goddess, Gh'en, as the Gh'ensroke—lit. "the Land of the Gh'ens" or "Gh'enland"—and its people the Gh'ens. Stripping away the legacy of Qh'énnish atrocities, civil war, invasion, the new era, called the Gh'ensroke, would allow for a unified nation under their goddess' ideals.   Now, although the ethnic Gh'ens claimed inclusivity and openness to all the residents of the northern peninsula, that the lineages of the nobility consisted of merely renamed Qh'énns, did little to assure the Kharnnes, Sarns, Mỳdrians, and other marginalized non-Qh'énnish peoples, that things would be different.   After a time they seemed to be. The Gruthers—collectively the Kharnnes, Sarns, Mỳdrians—were moved from being considered resident aliens, and people of the dirt, to being peoples of respect and admiration, albeit in a continually patronizing condescending way.

Mythology & Lore

Of all the nations of the known world, only the Qh'énns, and then their successors, claim to have a special relationship with one of the Seven Lunar Goddesses: Gh'en, the Silver Moon. After the establishment of the Gh'ensroke accord, the people of the region took the name of their patron.

Under the Silver, We Shine

The Gh'ensroke in Winter
[Detail] Winter in Gh'en's Land by 包德強
The snowfall heavy, the land of the Silver Moon, reflects its brilliance on the mortal plane.
Founding Date
590 QA
Geopolitical, Barony
Alternative Names
The Gh'ensroke; Gh'enland; Gh'enlandia; the Land of the Gh'ens; (the) Gh'ensroké
Ruling Organization
Related Species

Cover image: Silver Moon detail by 包德强