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The Gh'ensroke Council of Barons

Successor institution to the Council of Barons of the Qh'énnish era, the Gh'ensroke Council of Barons was—at least initially—undifferentiated from its antecedent. Over time, with the agenda of egalitarianism dominating, it became a more vibrant and mutable body. Although old factions and rivalries remained (most notably the Dermrheini/Lihgni, particularly since Paln Lihgn had usurped control of the council from Agschul Dermrhein).   Furthermore, fractions and schisms lead to the creation of new fiefs of which some were elevated to full baronial status, shifting the balance of power from two relatively equal factions—Dermrheini/Lihgni—to a more multifaceted group.   By circa 650 QA, the number of baronies was ten; by 700 QA it was an ideal 17. Similarly the number of noble houses of the baronial rank increased. Cadet houses of previous baronial houses, themselves became independent baronial houses.   The 6th Century of the Qh'énnish Ascension is considered the twilight of Dermrheini dominance, and the house never regained the power of its ancestors of the first four Dermrheini barons. For a time, their former cadet house, Demmhr /dɛmhɚ/, rose to prominence, but by way of irony, it was at the expense of House Dermrhein.
[Detail] Winter in Gh'en's Land by 包德強
Governmental, Senate/Parliament

Cover image: Silver Moon detail by 包德强