The Dowager Lady Obdanris Reīnrahet (obdænɹis reiːnrɑhɛt)
After the death of her eldest son and his wife, Lady Obdanris Reīnrahet assumed control of the house as regent for her grandson, Bashrahet, but long before this, she ruled through her son as the dowager of the house. the current head of House Rahet in southern Hœm. A renegade from House Réhin, she was banished and disinherited for marrying—for love—the scion of the rival House Rahet. When her husband died, she assumed control and redoubled the efforts to destroy her former family’s success in businesses. The house is also known as Réhinrahet /rĕhinrɑhɛt/ which is an older Qh'énnish Language pronunciation and spelling of the house name, more common during her younger years.
Gainrahet is an adopted foundling. Dowager Obdaris insisted that her son and daugher-in-law take the child and raise her.