Seafarer's deathward Tradition / Ritual in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil

Seafarer's deathward

An ancient rite to protect from The harbringer of death


Meeting a dragon-eel represents bad luck but it is possible to escape its prophecy of doom following an ancient ritual. The first step it is capturing the fish, this is actually easier said than done, however out from water dragon-eels move slowly and are lot less dangerous. Once the animal is captured it needs to season for twelve hours in a vinegar brine to allow the denaturation of the toxins contained in the animal's skin secretions. At this point a large communal meal has to be organized making sure to invite, at least, one person you had a quarrel, an argument or, even better, someone you consider an enemy.


Meaning of the ritual


The ritual is probably nearly as old as the myth regarding the dragon-eels and its meaning is unclear, however some sociology scholars theorize that the ritual is a system to remove misfortune by shrine together food, as a symbol of abundance, especially with the people we like less. There's a process of penance through forgiveness of those with whom we have had problems and a reforging of social bonds that protect all participants from external dangers.


How to cook a dragon-eel


Once rested in the vinegar brine, dragon-eels can be roasted, boiled, pickled and more. However, since the fish has many sharp bones and a strong flavour it is generally more appreciated together with several types of fishes and vegetables in a stew. The most famous of this type of recipes it's called Lichthian Saychook, a hearty fish and vegetable stew.

Lichthian Saychook


After cleansing the dragon-eel from its toxins, mix it together with other fishes you have such as scorpion-fish, monk-fish, snapper, shrimps, clams, sole and more, remove the entrails, head and tail of the large fishes chopping them in small pieces, while leaving whole the small ones. For 700 gr of fish, , finely chop an onion and saute it with oil, parsley, and two whole cloves of garlic. When the onion is gold, chop 300 gr of ripen tomatoes, seasoning with salt and pepper. When tomatoes are cooked, add a glass of water mixed with one finger of vinegar. Let the mix boil for a few minutes, then remove the garlic and strain all the rest pressing it hard against the mesh. Add the fish, and keep on a low flame until the fish is cooked, tasting now and then for seasoning and adding olive oil as required. Serve with bread, soak up the broth.


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