Adalm Jenet

Captain Adalm Jenet

Adalm is a Jenet Military officer and well known to Raye - both were trained by Rayes father in military matters. Adalm has all of the passion and energy of teenage youth. He's a proficient swordsman and dualist. He often preferred a barfight and brawl over a lesson in statecraft. Adalm Captains the Darling Dancer a small Schooner of the Janet Navy. Adalm has a history of womanizing during his earlier years.   Adalm was promoted to Escort Captain on 5331.178

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adalm is the oldest son of Vincent and Irja Jenet, he grew up with an astute mind for numbers but far too energetic to be an academic. He was soon entrusted to Hans Jenet to raise as an officer of the navy at 6 years old. While studying as Han's ward Adalm made fast friends with his cousin Raye Jenet when she was transferred to Navy education, afterwards the two were inseparable partners in crime. Adalm was fascinated with speed ever since his older cousin Sebastian taking him on a racing yacht when he was 9 years old. Adalm and Raye was tease each other with threats that the other would be posted on a slow or ugly ship.   Adalm was made Schooner Captain in his 16th year and given the newest Schooner in the JNS - The Darling Dancer. A Nightingale-class known for excessively high speed. Along side this commission came a 1st officer to help temper Adalm's daredevil attitude Commander Hawkish   During the Scouring of Moonfall Adalm was escorting a visiting VIP to a neighboring Maxdel world. After the mission the crew of the Dancer were celebrating in a spaceport bar when Maxdel patrol officers arrived to arrest the whole pack, When Adalm and crew resisted the situation escalated as Hawkish and Adalm drew swords and fled to the Dancer. While fighting their way through the spaceport member after member of the Dancer's crew were cutdown by Maxdel Marines who were tasked to backup the Patrol. Hawkish was slain when his sword was broken during the retreat, Adalm retrieved the shattered handle and keeps it as a memento on in his cabin.


During Adalm's time as a cabinboy and ward of Hans Jenet he became a hopeless romantic, jumping into and out of relationships quickly and easily throughout his teenage years. Even after the scouring of Moonfall Adalm has worn his heart on his sleeve and fallen into crushes easily. A prominent example being when he was 15 years old he took a girl he had started dating to Fridtjof for a month long trip - only to find that the two of them did not actually enjoy one anothers company - Adalm broke up with her during a zoo visit and left her there to return to moonfall on a jns freighter after just 2 weeks.


As all noble children of the Jenet family Adalm attended grade school from his youth and concurrenty educated as a ward of Hans Jenet learning the fundementals of being an officer. Adalm has a sharp mind for numbers and is a proficient calculator but lagged behind on subjects like history, strategy. All Jenet children benefited from tutorship of a Ranet weapon master brought to the station by his Aunt Catalina.


Adalm finished his education at 16 years of age and was assigned as captain of the Schooner JNS Darling Dancer in 5329

Mental Trauma

While Adalm maintains an outward appearance of being a happy-go-lucky young man he's deeply affected by the slaughter of his family and the ensuing isolation after escaping as the only survivor of the Dancer's crew. Adalm deeply craves the company of others lapsing into a suicidal depression when alone for too long. As a capable teenaged man Adalm has an overblown confidence in his own abilities.
Year of Birth
5313 IE 18 Years old
Short black hair, loosely brushed
155 Lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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