Crewman Agnes O’Conner

Crewman Agnes O’Conner

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agnes is described as tall, strong, and unkempt, with platinum blonde hair and pale skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agnes was born to a journalist and an unknown father. In her early years she attended grammar school, and passed with acceptable marks in literacy and abysmal marks in mathematics. By early 5320 she joined on with her mother’s newspaper as an apprentice editor. By 5326 Agnes was on record inquiring about flats for sale in tandem with another editor of the paper, as well as putting in a request for a lithograph to be made of her and a man in wedding finery. Economic struggles impacted the journalism industry throughout the 5320’s, eventually resulting in the newspaper being bought out by a competitor in 5327 and the authors and editors losing their positions once the paper was shuttered. During this time the purchase of the flat was canceled. After the failure of the paper, Agnes enlisted in the JNS fleet for her first tour. From here forward she followed a pattern - a three month enlistment, applications to the skilled labor market on Moonfall for several months, followed by another three month enlistment.


Agnes was away with the Mistress when the Sundering occurred. Many crewmen abandoned the Mistress after fleeing the Thrasher system - Agnes did not. Witness testimony confirms her participation in the acts of piracy committed by the JNS forces after the Sundering. She is believed to currently be onboard the Mistress in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
4th day of the Month of the Earth, year 5302
Year of Birth
5302 IE 29 Years old
Shoulder length platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, fair
Aligned Organization


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