Crewman Aksel Daniels

Crewman Aksel Daniels

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Askel has been described as tall and fat with a face badly scarred by being exposed to the void. He has brown hair and pale skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aksel was born to dock workers on Moonfall, one of six children. In the Daniels household children joined the workforce early, with Aksel first reporting an income as a shoe shiner in 5313. By 5320 Aksel applied for and was accepted on his first enlistment, which began a pattern of working the docks, enlisting, and running odd errands for coin in the dockyards.


Aksel was away with the Mistress when the Sundering occurred. Many crewmen abandoned the Mistress after fleeing the Thrasher system - Aksel did not. Witness testimony confirms his participation in the acts of piracy committed by the JNS forces after the Sundering. During the Battle of Rtascur, Aksel was reportedly pulled from a badly vented compartment, resulting in frostbite damage to his nose and eyelids. The injury is reported to cause him intermittent pain, which he is reliant on a tincture of laudanum to numb. He is believed to currently be onboard the Mistress in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
38th day of the Month of the Hearth in the year 5305
Year of Birth
5305 IE 26 Years old
Short Brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, badly scarred
Aligned Organization


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