Crewman Gunnar North

Crewman Gunnar North

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

North is described as average height and pudgy, with ginger hair, pasty skin, and a scar along the jawline that Crownbourne witnesses report is “favorable”.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gunnar was given to the Temple of Death as a foundling, no known parents. As is tradition with foundlings, he was given the surname of a cardinal direction - in this case, North. He was given as an apprentice to a requisition clerk at the Moonfall dockyards in 5320, where he drew a wage until 5324. Gunnar was caught imbibing stimulants on the job, and dismissed. His first of repeated enlistments came in 5325, where he worked as a crewman. Between enlistments he returned to the Temple of Death, where it is reported he tithed regularly and volunteered his labor until he was due to ship out again.


Gunnar was away with the Mistress when the Sundering occurred. Many crewmen abandoned the Mistress after fleeing the Thrasher system - Gunnar did not. Witness testimony confirms his participation in the acts of piracy committed by the JNS forces after the Sundering. He is believed to currently be onboard the Mistress in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
5308 in the Month of the Dreamer or Forg
Year of Birth
5308 IE 23 Years old
Short orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
smooth very light
Aligned Organization


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