Crewman Hermann Sancho

Crewman Hermann Sancho

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hermann Sancho is described as of average height and strong build with brown hair and pasty skin and remarkably comely features.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hermann Sancho was raised as the only child of a Refinery worker on Moonfall - unknown mother. There are no records of him attending grammar school. He is first noted as drawing an income in 5324 from the mining sector as a junior hauler. In 5327 he was reprimanded by the local constabulary for an overdue tab at a local tavern, and his wages were garnished. A similar occasion resulted in garnished wages in 5328. By 5329 Hermann had resigned his post at the hydrogen plant and had enlisted with the JNS for service.


Hermann was aboard the Mistress when she fled the Thrasher system. Like the majority of crewmen he abandoned the Mistress once the ship made port, but he was part of the minority of personnel that made a return to the ship before it left port - little is known why a select few of the personnel returned. He is currently believed to be aboard the mistress, in orbit of Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
31st day of the Month of the Forge, year 5309.
Year of Birth
5309 IE 22 Years old
Short styled Brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft Porcelain quality
Aligned Organization


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