Crewman Ivar South

Crewman Ivar South

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

South is described as a man of average height with imposing muscularity that seems to attract the attention of men and women. He has auburn hair and pale skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ivar was given to the Temple of Death as a foundling with no known parents. As is tradition with foundlings, he was given the surname of a cardinal direction - in this case, South. He was given to the local marine camp as a cadet in 5320. Ivar was expelled for fighting by 5322, and returned to the Temple as a volunteer before he was hired as a doorman at a red light establishment. He held this job for some time before he was dismissed from the position in 5328 for his arrest after brawling publicly with a drunk patron. His first enlistment with the JNS Fleet followed shortly after this in 5329.


Ivar was aboard the Mistress when she fled the Thrasher system. Like the majority of crewmen he abandoned the Mistress once the ship reached Freeport 13, but he was part of the minority of personnel that made a return to the ship before it left dock - little is known why a select few of the personnel returned. He is currently believed to be aboard the mistress, in orbit of Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
5307 IE 24 Years old
Short Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light unblemishe
Aligned Organization


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