Crewman Tyrell Johnson

Crewman Tyrell Johnson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Johnson has been described as a short and fat man with brown hair, fair skin, and an unassuming face under an abundance of hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tyrell was born on moonfall, the youngest of two to a grocer and a homemaker. He attended grammar school until 5314, with middling marks. There are records that the by assisted in the family’s grocery for his late youth, but by 5320 the records show Tyrell drawing a wage from the local hydrogran mining operation. In 5322 Tyrell was dismissed from the position for pocketing and reselling hand tools made available to the mining crews and sentenced to a public service term in the waste removal department. Tyrell returned to the grocery in late 5323. In 5324 his mother suffered a stroke, resulting in the young man taking a firmer hand in the management of the business. In 5326 a clerk in employ of the store had a son during this time - rumors circulated it was Tyrell’s child. In 5327 Tyrell’s mother was mostly recovered and he found himself once again looking for external employment. He found temporary employment as a dockworker, but was dismissed after small goods would go missing during his shifts. By 5329 Tyrell enlisted in the JNS Fleet.


Tyrell was aboard the Mistress when she fled the Thrasher system. Like the majority of crewmen he abandoned the Mistress once the ship reached Freeport 13, but he was part of the minority of personnel that made a return to the ship before it left dock - little is known why a select few of the personnel returned. He is currently believed to be aboard the mistress, in orbit of Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
10th day of the Month of the Sea, year 5305
Year of Birth
5305 IE 26 Years old
full beard and unkempt brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Hairy fair skin
Aligned Organization


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