Crewman Ulf Peterson

Crewman Ulf Peterson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peterson is reported as being tall, thin and unfit, with very dark skin and hair he regularly dies red. He is purported to have difficulties with breath at times due to a void injury.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ulf was born the last child of three, to parents of unknown employ. There is no grammar school in his history. His first record is in 5322 where he was arrested for selling tainted spirits in conjunction with his older brother and father, however he was released due to the tenderness of his age. His brother, only a few years older, was remanded to the mining services for a month long public service -the father was jailed for two years for sickening twelve people with the improperly distilled liquor. The next time Ulf was arrested was in 5328 tandem with his brother, again, and his mother, again selling improperly distilled spirits. The mother was imprisoned for five months, the brother for four, and Ulf was offered the choice of a three month enlistment with the JNS fleet or in the mining corp Ulf chose the navy. During his 5329 enlistment, Ulf is reported as having been punished for drunkenness. Ulf again re-enlisted in 5330.


Ulf was away with the Mistress when the Sundering occurred. Many crewmen abandoned the Mistress after fleeing the Thrasher system - Ulf did not. Witness testimony confirms his participation in the acts of piracy committed by the JNS forces after the Sundering. He is believed to currently be onboard the Mistress in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
14th of the Month of the Forge, year 5312
Year of Birth
5312 IE 19 Years old
Straightened red short hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough, ebony
Aligned Organization


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