Crewman Vidar East

Crewman Vidar East

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

East is described as a tall, extremely fit man with a worn but otherwise unremarkable face with a weakness for hallucinogens.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vidar was given to the Temple of Death as a foundling, no known parents. As is tradition with foundlings, he was given the surname of a cardinal direction - in this case, East. The temple gave him, with a number of other foundlings, over to the smelter’s to become apprentice smiths in 5314. Vidar is on record drawing a wage here for only a year before he absconded with another of the foundlings that had been apprenticed to the smithy. Records on Vidar are spotty for some time here, with few reported wages. He remerges again in 5318 listed as a miner. A marriage is recorded within the first month of 5319, the earliest Vidar would have been considered sixteen and have been legally allowed to marry, though a child appears to have preceded this date by a year. Additional children followed in 5321, and 5324. The combination of a fourth child and economic pressures in 5328 sent Vidar looking for a more lucrative position than mining. He enlisted in the JNS fleet in late 5328, and found a position for his oldest child at the docks as an errand boy. Both father and son continued to draw wages from the docks, Vidar as a crewman and his son as an errand boy and courier, until 5330.


Hermann was away with the Mistress when the Sundering occurred. Many crewmen abandoned the Mistress after fleeing the Thrasher system - did not. Witness testimony confirms her participation in the acts of piracy committed by the JNS forces after the Sundering. She is believed to currently be onboard the Mistress in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Late 5303
Year of Birth
5303 IE 28 Years old
Sandy short hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough weathered fair skin
Aligned Organization


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