
The Noble Faith follows the worship of an entity known as the Dreamer - or simply God. The Dreamer is a meta-physical being that with the big-bang at the start of the universe began to dream of everything that has come to pass. As the universe grew and evolved the Dreamer brought into existence human kind. As the humans grew and spread the Dreamer created a group of people within humanity Nobles are gifted with a divine spark by the Dreamer and with this spark they are given duty to help shape and protect the beauty of the dream. The faith holds that nobles are separate from commoners because of their responsibilities - not just their power.   This drive encourages nobles to protect those that serve them and not unjustly harm others. It also drives them to grow and thrive to provide for the people that serve them. As guardians of the dream honor and personal accountability is paramount to those of the noble faith - if a noble damages their honor than as an aspect of the dream they have damaged the dream itself.   Worship of the noble faith is performed by regular periods of short meditation and reflection - either alone or with guidance from a wise colleague, to reflect on your choices actions and the beauty of the world. Further more creation of beauty, art, and imagination are held as pious examples, such that most nobles have some inkling for an artistic pursuit.

Divine Origins

Dreamerism emerged after many centuries from a social movement during the end of the United Earth Federation. During the Republic era elements of Dreamerism grew sperately in the disparate worlds of the Core - But Orthodox Dreamerism came about and was spread by the Empire during the Unification war

Cosmological Views

According to Dreamers the whole galaxy is a construct of a sleeping god - The universe is a dream from some cosmic entity. Acording to the Dreamer faith Nobles were granteda divine spark, a soul, and with it a mandate to protect the dream and manifest beauty and quash darkness - their job was to protect the dream and not let it fall to nightmares.

Tenets of Faith

Dreamerism values Beauty, Art,Skill, Creativity. All things that one would associate with a relaxing state of mind. Without divine commandments the method that every dreamer pursue these values are up to the individual. One core facet of faith is reflection - Every day, particularly in the evening a Deamer should spend some time considering their actions, and the affect it had on the dream - to learn from their actions.


The Priests of the Dreamer faith are volunteer councilors who work to assist faithful with their reflections. A councilor will often be a low noble though particularly pious members of high nobility are known to perform the role. Aboard Imperial warships junior officers will typically perform as the ship's councilor
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
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