House Abilot

Abilot Abilot are the information brokers of the frontier. For centuries since the emergence of house Abilot they have worked tirelessly to place agents, spies and informants in courts, bars, and starships across the frontier. For them truth is the ultimate currency. For many ages this worked well for Abilot, able to negotiate from a position of strength and certainty at any whim. Until the Andirral insurrection.   Before the insurrection the Abilot navy was an unimportant apendage fit to chase away pirates from trade lanes but woefully under equipped to fight an open war - After the war due to the poor performance of the military it has become a position of shame to become a soldier.   Abilot maintains a policy of ultimate honesty when it comes to selling information, only good reliable info is marketed as such, anything that can't be reliably verified by a trusted agent is marked as second-hand, meaning that if you buy knowledge from Abilot there is a near certain guarantee of it's accuracy.   Since the insurrection Andirral has been left in a spiral of loan to obligation ratio, the information brokerage reaching only just far enough to make ends meet, tariffs on tourism passing through to Somnus being one of the few trade lanes still strong after the Insurrection.
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