House Andirral

Andirral Above all we stand.   Andirral was a minor house under Abilot for generations. in an act of revolt Andirral led many other minor houses against Abilot after a fellow minor house was unjustly punished. Andirral to the outside frontier appears to be an alliance of pirates and raiders who function as partners to the Crowborne corsairs.   The revolution - commonly known as the Andirral insurrection started in 5272 and for the first few years was slow paced, Abilot did not have much of a navy and Andirral had no money. Raiders from Andirral were soon known all over the frontier, grabbing cash and leaving destruction in their wake.   The raiders that sustained the early Andirral nearly proved to be their undoing, having brought in the major powers of Ranet and Maxdel against Andirral - by the time they had joined the war Andirral had almost diverged from their Abilot culture, with a growing military and establishment of modern training.   Almost of all of the worlds in Andirral's realm are extremely mineral rich, when they were in service of Abilot they were a major metals exporter selling to forges in Ranet, Kowloon, Maxdel, and even the Empire. During the insurrection local forges were spun up and turned to producing swords and warships by the ton.   Andirral may have conclusively won the war had it not been for a major fault in their supply chain. A single major fuel refinery exists in Andirral space, Biblious is a large scale hydrogen harvesting and refinery operation. Having been taxed to the limit of it's production throughout the war a final offense was launched against Abilot, many of the central Abilot worlds fell to the Andirral fleet, but they couldn't keep up the momentum without resupply from Biblious - Maxdel in reaction to the weakened border fleets launched their own counter attack threatening Biblious.   Kowloon brought all parties to the negotiation table for truce arraignments in 5282 Some worlds were exchanged but overall the truce gave Andirral a favorable position. Abilot and Maxdel reacted by establishing a blockade of Andirral imports and exports, negotiating with Crowborne and Ranet resulted in Andirral being isolated, and starvation ensued as raiders and smugglers were no longer operating to bring in food to supply the industrial heartland of Andirral. Thousands died in food riots in the first decade.   In modern times Andirral still struggled with reliable access to organic materials despite intituionalized smuggling and raiding, as well as massive expansions of domestic farming, the few garden worlds are almost entirely raised to farmland, while orbiting any occupied star are clusters of orbital gardens growing masses of cereal crops to try to feed the billions of hungry mouths.

Above All we Stand

Controlled Territories
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