The Andirral Territory

Entering Andirral space is perhaps one of the noticeable borders in the Imperial frontier. On one side of the border Crowborne militia fleets, Abilot central navy units, Maxdel military patrols, or Ranet warships are garrisoned at high readiness for any raid, pirate, or blockade runner.
Andirral was a minor house in Abiloit's service but after an unjust punishment placed on another minor house Andirral and an alliance of other minor houses rose up. They took with them eastern Abilot territory and at the end of the war had occupied portions of central Abilot.
The revolt against Abilot ended almost 50 years ago without an official peace treaty being accepted by the Abiloit and their allies, consisting of Maxdel, and Ranet, or the Andirral houses. A truce mediated by Kowloon brought the end of the hostilities ending wholesale bloodshed, but not officially closing the war.
Outside of Andirral, the house is known for duplicity, sneak attacks, cut-throat politics and piracy. The Abilot suffer constant raids from independent captains who just so happen to reside within Andirral's borders. In retaliation Abilot had worked with all of the other major houses to enforce an embargo on Andirral, no captain, merchant house, or prince is allowed to trade goods knowing that these goods will end up in Andirral borders.
In 5324 during the regular Prince visits to Imperial Center Andirral was summoned as well and officially recognized as a great house of the Imperial frontier. While this has made clear Andirrals position in the frontier it has not reduced the blockade of his worlds.
Andirral space is blessed with an uncommon amount of rich and dense worlds, many gas giants and asteroid belts litter their region, but are conversely cursed with out enough worlds to grow food to supply the population. Shortages of grain, and vegetables are common, and textile industry is almost non-existent. Meat and fruits are a rare delicacy.
While trade in Crowborne is slow and harassed by inspections who take a dour look of outsiders, the most common trade ship in Andirral is a prize vessel taken by a pirate in a raid into one of their neighbors. All shipping is a target of opportunity, even between feuding Andirral minor houses.
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