House Ranet

Ranet Pride, honor, blood.   The Ranet are known for one thing above all else, their fighting skills. Before house Ranet was founded the region of space was controlled by a corrupt republic at war with the Empire, after many years an army general hatched a scheme that united the Ranet colony worlds against the capital and the general seized control of the republic. From there he established a short dictatorship that sued for peace with the Empire. The result was establishing the general's family as the first great house of the frontier.   Ranet's noble officers are extensively schooled in tactics, swordplay and logistical thought, there is an expectation that if one has a measure of power, one should be equally skilled. This filters down to the common sailors and soldiers through a centralized academy for education of the fighting arts.   Ranet eschews subtlety and guile for strength and power, their culture finds sneak attacks a cowardly way to display power, clever tactics are are praised such as baiting opponents and ruses, but ambushes and killing unarmed fighters will not sit well with Ranet nobles or commoners.   Ranet's economy is strong with extensive trading with Maxdel - though less recently due to Maxdel's skyrocketing tariff rates. Kowloon is another trading peer, as is the Imperial core worlds. Ranet maintains the embargo against Andirral searching and impounding any vessel en route to Andirral, and thoroughly investigating any vessel coming from those worlds.   Historically Ranet has a hostile relation with Crowborne since the crusade, they also maintain a non-hostile rivalry with Kowloon frequently snubbing their rule as chancellor and tax collector, paying directly to the Empire,

Pride, honor, blood.

Alternative Names
Controlled Territories


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