The Ranet Worlds

The Ranet worlds are a collection of systems who's ago reaches back into the foundations of the frontier. They boast that they fought the Empire to a standstill and agreed to a peace where the Ranet would serve as a vassal nation to the Empire - Imperial histories contain different verbiage of this event. The region of space controlled by house Ranet lay at the northern edge of the Frontier, bordering Kowloon, Andirral, and Maxdel, and to the north The Imperial Core. Considerable traffic traverses the Ranet North-bound comes Heavy industry and tithe payments from Maxdel, South from the Core comes immigrants in the millions. Many stay in Ranet for generations, while some pass further into the frontier seeking somewhere less close the Empire's hold.   Traffic is abundant as are inspections from customs and patrol vessels. Normally these are system cutters, however along the Andirral border the embargo fleet of sloops and corvettes, or if a particularly worrisome vessel appears, a frigate may perform inspections.   Depending on who you ask Ranet is a realm of appreciators of skills and mastery ability - Or they're a collection of incredibly unforgiving and summary police worlds. When a law is broken, a punishment, on top of jailtime and fines is a brand applied to the back of the left arm. This brand is rough, and relatively simple, more infractions racks up more brands forever declaring you a criminal in Ranet. The high crimes of murder, piracy, and the like when the death penalty is called for is punished further with a brand that fully encircles the arm. It's the sworn duty of any Ranet to bring someone wearing such a brand to justice.   The lesser considered feature of the Ranet worlds is their respect of skills, their navy crews much more specialized in their responsibilities, and their service period is much longer. In Maxdel a contract of more than 6 months is very rare, while Ranet a enlistment contact are typically a year. Engineers, artists, chefs, and all others who cultivate an art are given significant social privilege's above their birth. Brands on the dominant hand represent skills of an art. The initial mark is typically a simple circle with a basic pattern, growing more intricate as the level of skill grows.
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