Master Jeziah Stone

Master Jeziah Stone

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stone has been described as tall and muscular with ginger hair and a smattering of freckles, as well as a prominent birthmark on his forehead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jeziah Stone was the oldest of two children. According to census records the Stone household existed in a flat behind a general goods store, and both Stone parents worked here as clerks. This simple life was upended when a burglary ended with both parents murdered in 5310. The culprit was apprehended and executed, and the care of the children was remanded to the local Temple of the Ship, as per the family’s religious leanings. The Temple paid for the children to attend grammar school until fourteen. By 5314 Jeziah had aged out of Temple care and found work enlisting as a crewman in the JNS fleet on Moonfall, where he remained employed through repeated enlistments throughout his adult life, eventually finding employment for his sister there as well. There are records of a marriage in 5324, and the birth of a child in 5326, though it can be assumed that these relations were lost in the Sundering.


Thanks to witness testimony we know that Jeziah was functioning as a crew boss on the JNS Mistress of Guile at the time of the Sundering. Once the Mistress fled the Thrasher system it is reported that many crewmen fled the ship, but Jeziah Stone did not. He was spotted as part of the armed crewman force that raided the Tsar Catherine, as well as onboard the MMV Discovery at the Battle of Rtascur. After the Battle of Rtascur, confirmed witness sightings of him drop and it can be assumed he simply functioned as a normal member of the crew until the festival on Europa. In her duel with Prince Jawn Geti, Jeziah was appointed to man the war schooner under Raye Jenet. By the time of current writing, it is reported that attrition has made room for Jeziah to be promoted to full Chief, and he is confirmed to be on the JNS Mistress of Guile in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Day 25 of the Month of the Dreamer, year 5300
Year of Birth
5300 IE 31 Years old
Short, Ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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