Tita Ranet

Princess Tita Ranet is the ruler of the Ranet Worlds - She's one of the newest great princes after her aged father Prince Raphael stepped down. She attend the Imperial Diet in 5324 as Scion. She ascended at 18 when a stroke struck Raphael while she was away on diplomatic attendances. Raphael survived long enough to see a single year into Tita's reign before he passed away.   Tita has an unapologetic streak of pride and ambition, she longs for days of a great enemy like the crusades of the Crowborne to challenge her truly. For now she settles with overseeing construction of perihelion the Ranet ringworld. Tita has 3 mastery marks on her sword hand that she earned in her teenage years for sword fighting, dancing, and forging.   Tita's physique is unparalleled, feminine but powerful muscles are visible along her arms and neck, a trait earned while pursuing her masteries. She duels and practices regularly to maintain her skills and fitness.   Tita's reign while short thus far has been typical of Ranet, very little interference with others and much the attempt to maintain status quo, the economy has seen some boons since Maxdel's tariffs crushed trade but the house has not made any move to capitalize on it
Year of Birth
5307 IE 24 Years old
Brown Almond shape
Long black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned
205 Lb
Ruled Locations


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