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Veara holyland

The holy lands, the ones that were said to be blessed by Veara himself they claim that this was the area where he was first born, the area where he first stood, The area that he fought to protect the same area that he reinforced and used as his stronghold in the great war. If people needed to run from their homes they were welcomed here with open arms with no hesitation, all that mattered was that you were affected by the great war. The capital city Vinh Khanh welcomes all that come to the holy land, but not without a dedication they must throw away their current life and welcome Veara into there hearts to seal the pact they must be marked with the hand of the god. This is a brand in the shape of a cheetah paw, this mark is burned into the back between the two shoulder blades when a child turns twelve they will also receive this brand if they live in the holy land.  

The Hand

  The HolyLand of Veara is governed by a group of priests called the union and a group of head priests called the hand they are the ones who make the final decisions for the country, they call themselves Veara's followers and any decision that is made by the hand must go through a strict vote called the decision. Before one is promoted as a member of the hand they must have experienced some interaction with Veara as those who have been contacted by him are know as the holy ones and they bring good fortune for the rest of the country. Spread through out the country is a range of outposts that are governed by the hand each member of the hand govern multiple outposts and have there own personal church that are called santurcy the only time when the hand gather is during the eclipse. This is a formal meeting to discuss important details relating to Veara and the outside world.  


the holy land does not have good connections with the outside world, they view the rest of the world as traitors who have abandoned the one who was born from them, the one who has protected them through the great war and every incident after that. They think the ones who don't dedicate there life to Veara are scum and the ones who rule there kingdoms and greed over coin deserve to receive the wraith of Veara. They are not born from him, they are born from the under-dark the natural enemy of the holy land. Other races are looked at poorly if they enter the holy land as it is humanity's "scared ground" but if one would accept Veara into there heart and accept the brand they do not care what race they are as long as there lord is spread.   While the holy hand might not have good diplomacy with most countries it does have a good monopoly on a certain product that it transports to foreign country's for a nice stack of coin. With the cultivating of their barrier and healing magic, they have designed two products that have become quite popular, a single use barrier rod, it is the size of your palm and deploys a barrier when one feels there life is in danger after the first it destroys itself leaving no chance to peek and prod at the item after its been used. the second item is a anti fatigue bracelet this bracelet stores up your energy during down time and when you are relaxing and when you need a rush of adrenaline and push yourself to the edge all you have to do is touch the bracelet twice this will cause a sudden urge of all the energy you have stored there are dangers but the rewards "usually" out way them.  


while the magic users in the holy land aren't advanced as the rest of the world they are specialized in the art of healing and defensive spells if a child has affinity to this mana they are taken to the Veara Magic Academy to study the way of the magic, if they are picked the parents are ecstatic as the parents receive a big pay off from the church to take them and train them as they will be a unit for the church, the family see it as a blessing from the god Veara if there child is picked to support the church and help them spread word of the god Veara.  


The holyland one of the longest running country's that still exist from the great war, they were almost eradicated and were only saved where Veara showed up and claimed this land as his own this terrified the invaders and made them flee. The holyland is one of the main country's who spread the @common language that sixty percent of the world use to this day.

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