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The capital of Wessex, this is where King Alfred sits on his throne and rules the lands.


Mostly human, but other races are not uncommon.


The King is the highest authority, followed by the church. The local city guards have little to no power over the priests and bishops as they go about their business.


Alfred's household troops are the only standing army in all of wessex, but the local lords have sworn oaths to the kingdom and will raise soldiers quickly should troubles arise.


Many and good ports for ships to dock and trade. There is two places that repairs ships, one that makes masts. Windmills up north are essential for the food production in this town.

Guilds and Factions

The church have a large presence, there are more priests than city guards out on the streets. A small merchant sailors guild has a cramped office at the docks.


Primitive, using wood from the two nearby forests to construct houses and buildings. The castle for King Alfred and the high church is the only buildings made of stone.
Large town
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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