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Kingdom of Wessex


Royal Hierarchy with a strong, powerful church that has the king's ear all day, every day.

Public Agenda

To expand Wessex to conquer all of Mercie and keep it safe from the invading norsemen


Emerging after the great war, Wessex has had a few skirmishes with East Anglia over territory but those have all been easily resolved. Kings have come and gone and the kingdom now has peace with its neighbours, fragile as it might be.

Demography and Population

Largely made up of humans, this land is welcoming of all races and cultures. As long as they convert to christianity before purchasing land, everyone is welcome to stay for as long as they wish.


From the sea in the west, Wessex controls the land all the way up to the mountains north of the misty forest. At Wroughton the power is shared / disputed between Wessex and East Anglia, but Bebbenburg and Boulder Island remain firm in their allegiance to the throne.


No standing army, say for the few hundred soldiers in Alfred's household troops. When war comes, it is the local lords who send swords and spears to the battlefield under the command of King Alfred himself. Some bring more than others, and a sure way to bring Alfred favour is to bring a large amount of men to battle for him.

Technological Level

Early medieval period


The only sanctioned state religion is christianity, and you are required to be a christian to purchase land here. However you are free to worship any god(s) you wish as long as you don't tell anyone and no-one notices or finds out.

Foreign Relations

An uneasy peace has existed now for many years. It's been a long time since the last army marched in these lands and hopefully it will be a long time still until they do.   Wessex has a good working relationship with its neighbours abroad and close by. Open trade makes everyone happy, and there is even talk of joining houses down the line. The king has a daughter you know...

Agriculture & Industry

The fields in the 'fertile triangle' of Carhampton, Hingston, and Bebbenburg are the most fertile lands in Mercie. The kingdom of Wessex, as a result exports some of it's crops to its neighbours for trade. It's long coast line makes fishing easy and plentiful.   There is very little industry to speak of, mostly due to its overproduction of food and many ports makes it easy to purchase what goods they need with excess food. As a result the few blacksmiths that are operating in Wessex are sub-par at best.

Trade & Transport

They export mostly food, and most by ship. What little cargo that does travel by the roads do so by mules or donkeys with saddlebags. Ships are quicker and cheaper and only the ones who cannot afford a boat and crew sends their goods by road.


In the cities, the wealthy families have options to send their children to school and university or monastery. If you're poor, or live out in the fertile triangle then your family will teach you everything you need to know about farming.


Few roads are well maintained, since almost all of Mercie can be reached by boat. Travel by road is only done if you really, really have to and cannot afford passage on a boat.

"Go with God"


  • Carhampton
    The main powerhouse of the kingdom of Wessex, this is from where Alfred rules and the church enjoys it's seat of privilege
Founding Date
1200 BC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
coins in gold, silver, copper, platinum.
Major Exports
Major Imports
Wessex imports nearly all non-food items, with a few exceptions. Some farmers here and there make their own, but as a whole they import more than they export of nearly everything that's not food.
Legislative Body
The kings can make all the laws he wishes, and veto any law the church makes.   The church can make laws, but they have to be ok'd by the king
Judicial Body
The kings is the supreme judge, and his word is law.   The church sits below him, and can distribute justice as they see fit.   The courts are below the church, dealing with petty non-religious crimes
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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