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The black rose

Public Agenda

To expand the power and influence of Sonya Blackthorne, earning glory and honor with each victory!


Founded by Sonya herself years ago with a mere handful of recruits, her ruthless leadership style and the promise of great power lead her to quickly attract the greatest warriors the realm has ever seen.

Demography and Population

Starting small with just a handful of soldiers and Sonya, the group now controls the settlement around empty depths lake. They have interests in a large amount of other villages and even some in Mercie. The village is the centre of their operations with around 400 souls in total.   The number rises and falls with the soldiers going out and returning from various missions.


250 soldiers in total


All members are required to worship the goddess of fey; Celiguine.

Foreign Relations

Most places have come to respect the black rose for its efficacy in battle, and few would go against it. Most are content to hire them when they need to and letting them loose afterwards.

For the queen!

Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
Sonya and her advisors make the laws with Sonya vetoing the laws she really don't like. This rarely happens as her advisors work closely with her beforehand.
Judicial Body
Sonya is the highest authority, and thusly she has the final say. No-one person is in charge of enforcing the laws, instead they all serve as guards as well as soldiers within her militia.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories

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