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Make a Wishbone in the Foundation

Brief:   A rumor about a geode formed from the fossilized wishbone of an ancient primordial red dragon drifting in the churning grounds of the Plane of Earth has reached the guild.   Background:   When an earth weird feeds on a living creature, its digestive process and stony makeup strip the victims of all flesh. The elemental creature then proceeds to devour the only part of the meal it cares about – the calcium in the victim’s bones. Once complete, the earth weird discards the remnants, which have taken on a stone-like substance.   These stone bones are called fossils, and deep in the Stony Expanse, the earth weirds have gathered a massive collection of these discarded victims in a place called the Bones of the Earth. Fossil remains of all manner of creatures from across the multiverse, from dinosaurs to demons to humanoids and dragons, lay scattered about the cavern. Earth weirds crawl over the piles of stone bones scavenging for whatever morsel they can find. Rare monsters and their fossilized skeletons can be found in the cave, and for some cabals of necromancers, the powdered remains of certain fossilized creatures can be used as potent spellcasting components.   Finding the Bones of the Earth is only the first problem, as some stories suggest that a massive earth weird king lurks in the cave that devours all intruders.
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