Order of the Shielded Heart

"We are the shield that protects the innocent, the spear that pierces the malevolent, and the beacon that declares hope remains!" - Chant of the Shielded Heart

Order of the Shielded Heart

The Order of the Shielded Heart is the religious order of Praeliatoris. It is known for many things, and is home to multiple high-level beings; one being even stronger than Praeliatoris herself. It is a vassal state of the Order of Custos Infirma.  

Ranking of the Shielded Heart

The Shielded Heart has multiple ranks to it. The highest rank is the Princepalisor, who is the Shielded Heart's Champion. The current Princepalisor - Somlura Sireli - is an immensely capable individual, however, she has chosen to specialize in medicinal, healing, and restoration magic, becoming immensely capable in all three. On top of that, she pioneered methods for combating plague and safely learning plague magic.   The second highest rank in the shielded heart is Thane; champions hand-picked by Praeliatoris to enact justice and do good among the world.   The third highest is the Shielded Heart Council. This is made up of three or more members, mainly the Grand Knight (referred to as Grand Sir or Grand Dame), the Grand Magus, and the Grand Scribe.  

Grand Knight

The Grand Knight position is one dedicated to teaching the Shielded Heart's soldiers how to fight, as well as how to act in different situations. It is currently filled by Marianne Blublood.  

Grand Magus

The Grand Magus position is one dedicated to teaching the Shielded Heart's mages how to use magic and deal with magical threats. It is currently a vacant position. (OOC note: No character has this rank yet so if you want to make one, ask Rock(me)!)  

Grand Scribe

The Grand Scribe position is one dedicated to teaching the Shielded Heart's historians and teachers how to enact their duty. The Grand Scribe is responsible for the Shielded Heart's logistical management, too. It is currently a vacant position. (OOC note: No character has this rank yet so if you want to make one, ask Rock(me)!)

For the Heart of the Sword!

Heraldry of the Shielded Heart

Alternative Names
Shielded Heart