Jingizu (jing-zoo)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

  • You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Jingizu.
  • Jingizu has the finesse quality and can extend to the length of a quarterstaff (and back to the size of a rod) while held by you with a bonus action.
  • While attuned to Jingizu, and it is upon your person or within hand's reach, you gain resist necrotic and darkvision of 120'.


Candrian's Ring infuses into a a hammer in your carpenter's tools until it has become a rod of black iron and scorched wood fused together in a terrible symbiosis. When you hold the rod, though it feels physically light, in your mind it feels like you carry the psychic weight of the torment of thousands upon thousands of shadows. The rod's name is from an obscure Prime tongue no longer known to you, though you know it means "Sorrow".
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
2 lb