The Nameless One

(a.k.a. T.N.O.)

The Nameless One awoke on a slab in The Mortuary, completely devoid of all memories.   His body was covered in scars, and soon after exploring his unremembered existence, he discovered he has also scarred many others.   He also was adorned in The Nameless One's Tattoos from head to toe, and these tattoos tell a story as well as provide him guidance for his future journey, whether it be to redemption or to oblivion.   TNO soon finds companions, as he starts to explore the city beyond the mortuary, Sigil.   First to join him and /Morte was Esmae of the Flowers, followed by Arvid. Within the Smouldering Corpse Bar he finds Dak'kon and Eilana. Together they became the Ka-Tet.     At the Smouldering Corpse Bar, Barkis the barkeeper of the inn offers TNO his own eye that is housed in a jar of embalming fluid behind the bar. The price, 500 jinks!!     The Symbol of Torment appears on TNOs chest during discussions with Mourns for Trees     While talking with Meir'am, in the market, he learned that he used to travel with a 4thcompanion, that she tells was a tall thin man with a description similar to a zombie (#33) in The Mausoleum.   Later (Session 9), returning to the Mausoleum, the party did find a zombie looking like the man they sought, except he had his eyes sewn shut and the number 33 engraved upon him. Arvid thought his details might be in archived books so they applied to the archivist for access. This evidently would take a day....     Mebbeth, a very grey and very old woman who had set up a shop as a midwife and healer in the hive, managed to teach The Nameless One the basis of magic. She put him to task and made him his first spellbook.     After a lethal battle with cranium rats in the Buried Village, TNO learned first hand that he could not achieve true death, returning to life following some careful ministry at the hands of Esmae.     After a time (Session 7), TNO had enough jink to purchase back his eye from Barkis. To buy it involved the pain of parting with 500gp, but then the process of rejoining it to TNO involved the pain of extracting his current left eye, and inserting the preserved one in its place. Doing so fired off several visions of past events including:
  • Being in a vast chaotic wasteland with humanoid vultures plummeting towards TNO, cruel weapons in hand waiting to strike. He was similarly armed awaiting the attacked
  • He was surrounded by three thugs, long daggers in hand. TNO saw his scarred hands and knew they would soon be covered in blood.
  • An enormous frog-like creature came at TNO through stuff of chaos, baring its multitude of teeth. He hurled a javelin at it and impaled it upon a stone plinth.
  • TNO was lost in halls of darkness, paved with the consequences of my choices, haunted by ghosts of the shadows of all who had suffered as a result of those decisions. He was in a place beyond time, beyond life, and beyond life, near the Void at the end of all things. Feeling *them* assembling around this place he raced to a high place and spoke words that I had wrested from The Illuminated ones who knew those words. The words summoning a surge of Power within him.
    With Dak'kon's help, The Nameless One began reading the Circle of Zerthimmon, and by the time of The Citadel's destruction, he had known the first Three Circles.     In the Mortuary, the Ka-Tet met and defeated Strahan Runeshadow, a necromancer seeking TNO's immortal blood to attempt to become a lich. This was more notoriety than he had planned upon.     When talking with Dar’ioch (Session 9) about the markings on some miscreants he had encountered, TNO recalled that he was once a member of a sect called The Illuminated.




Towards The Nameless One


The Nameless One


Towards Morte



Reason to keep living

Towards The Nameless One


The Nameless One


Towards Deionarra


Esmae of the Flowers

Party Member

Towards The Nameless One


The Nameless One

Party Member

Towards Esmae of the Flowers



Party Member

Towards The Nameless One


The Nameless One

Party Member

Towards Eilana


Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and heavily scarred and tattooed
197 lb