Cal Cook

Sir Cal Cook, MP

Cal Cook is a convicted kidnapper and the former Prime Minister of Contopia, Member of Parliament for Vinillia, Director of the NIA, Secretary of Defence and Contopian Royal Naval Officer.

Naval Service

Cook Served as an officer in the Contoian Royal Navy, Little is known of his early career, but later he served as a Captain, and later Commodore in the Contopian Royal Naval Police. In his time in the CRN Police Cook led multiple notable operations, including those against smugglers, mutinies, and spies. Eventually, at the age of 40 Cook was promoted to Commodore, and led the CRN Police


After retiring as the Commodore of the CRN police at the age of 43, Cook, became the director of the National Investigation Agency, at the time this was seen as a controversial appointment, due to his lack of experience in civilian law enforcement. In spite of this he was viewed as a successful leader of the service and became a popular figure for tackling curroption. In the Contopian Government.  

Secutary of Defence

During the Twottailian Invasion of Contiopia, Cook led members of the NIA to assist the armed forces and secure key strategic locations, including the headquarters of the NIA and the NBPD headquarters. Cook ordered NIA agents assist the local police in showing civilians to safety, as well as assisting the military. As a result of these actions, Cook was honoured and given the role of secretary of Defence. As this was prior to "The Cotopian Parliament Order" being passed, this was deemed to be a part-time position that he would be expected to perform in addition to his duties as the head of the NIA. Cook Served in the position for a number of years before resigning to spend more time with his family.

Prime Minster of Contopia

After the Resignation of President Thomas, Cook, to be the member of parliment for Vinillia, and then leader of the party, and subsqeuntly Prime Minister. As a supporter of the so-called, NIA insurrection he was a controversial appointee, but by his being appointed, some of those who still viewed the party corrupt, since the coup were appeased. Cook served as Prime Minister until the "housekeeping division" was leaked. At this point, Cook admitted wrong doing but claimed to have worked to have dismantled the project. During a trial in the international court, Cook admitted the charged, but further leaks claimed that the household division was simply a cover up for the destruction of the parasol. As a result of this the case in the international court was dissmissed. However a domestic court found Cook guilty multiple counts of Kidnapping, wrongful Imprisonment, and misuse of public office. Cook Was convicted to Life Imprisionment, with a minimum of 5 years served. Despite calls, Cook has yet to have his honours removed

Mental characteristics


Cook formealy served as an officer in the Contopian Navy, much of his service record is classified but it is known that towards the end of his carrer he worked in the Royal Navy Police, helping lead many sucessful operations. This position in navy law enforcement led to Cook being offered a position as Director of the National Investigation Agency after his retirement from navy life. Cook took this oppertunty and led the NIA for many years.
  Following the invasion of Contipia Cook was given an additional position as a defence advisor within the Contpian Government, he would leave this position 2 years later, apparently inorder to speand more time with his family.
  in 2017 Cook retired as head of the NIA and became a member of parliament for Vinilla. After just 2 yeas later Cook was elected Prime minister, but his politcal carrer was cut short by the leaking of "Opperation Housekeeping" in late 2019.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cook was awarded the "Sword of Honour", the highest possible award for contopian citizens.

Failures & Embarrassments

Following the leak of the so-called, "Housekeeping division" a Top Secret government project that involved the Kidnapping and imprisonment of Contopian and Cookielundish Citizens, Cook was Tried in the the UN Criminal Court. While Cook admitted the charges, doubt was cassed upon the validity of the Leak, when high-ranking members of the Contopian militarty testified that the Housekeeping Division was in fact a cover story for the destruction of the Parasol. Subsiquently the UN Court found that there was insufficant evidence, but strongly condemebed the behavout, with the chief judge stating, "It is clear, from the conflicting stories that someone has lied inorder to preserve thir own intrest. This flagrant disresepct for this court, and it's mission is disgusting, and indangers the rule of law and the sancitiy of human rights."
Although aquitted by the UN court, Cook was later convicted of mulitiple accounts of conspiracy to commit abduction, wrongful imprisionment and missuse of public office, and was sentenced to life imprisonment, and subsiquently removed from office.

Mental Trauma

Cook's wife was killed during the invasion of Contopia. Years later the body would be dug back up by terrorists and posed on a spire in his garage, to be discovered by him.

Morality & Philosophy

Cook is mainly motivated with insuring the security of Contopia and it's citizans. Generaly he sets a line that should not be crossed, but like many others he draws this line just after what he is willing to do. In the name of security he has allowed the abduction of innocent citizens and permitted torture of terror suspects. Later on his moral compas would shift and he would try to undo some of the damage caused by his previous actions.

Wealth & Financial state

Cook owns shares in multiple companies and is considered to be one of the wealthies people alive, even now he is incaserated.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Prime Minister of Contopia (Formaly)
  • Defence Advisor (formaly)
  • Director of the NIA (Formaly)
Aligned Organization


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