Skitter Character in Planet Noj | World Anvil


Powers and Abilities

  Skitter has the power to control insects, arachnids, worms, and everything in between. She can control thousands of bugs at a time, directing multiple behind the scenes tasks at seemingly no cost to her alertness or presence of mind.   Her seemingly endless supply of bugs indicates that she is not limited by number of bugs she can control, but rather the range.  


  Skitter is perhaps the most unusual of the Undersiders in that many of her actions more closely resemble those of a hero than those of a villain. She patrols her "territory" to suppress crime, provides free food and housing to people in the poorest areas of her terrirory, and even risked her life to save an enemy during an Endbringer attack.   At the same time, Skitter can be shockingly brutal if she deems it necessary. To say she has sent a lot of people to the hospital would be putting it mildly.   Nonetheless, it is believed that her bond with her fellow Undersiders is the ony thing preventing Skitter from crossing over to the heroes side; though her contempt for the PRT represents a significant obstacle as well.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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