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In the turbulent annals of Pludeo's history, a shadowy cabal of rulers known as the Ariki cast a grim and formidable presence. Each Ariki held dominion over one of the Whares, their towering castles that stood as bastions of power and fear. These leaders thrived in the crucible of destruction, dominance, and death.   The Ariki were not a united council, nor did they seek camaraderie. Instead, they were a fractured assembly of ruthless potentates, each firmly ensconced within their own realm. Only when faced with decisions of great import did these warlords congregate as the Ariki council, a gathering fraught with tension and discord.   This council was a volatile and precarious assembly. A single Ariki's dissent could shatter the fragile equilibrium, igniting petty wars, orchestration of assassinations, and unyielding unrest. The Ariki constantly watched their backs, for backstabbing and betrayal were not unusual, whether it came from a fellow Ariki seeking greater power or their vassals vying for autonomy.   The Ariki, by their very nature, reveled in disorder and chaos. Yet, General Whanuï, the most feared among them, presided as the leader. Ruler of Whenau Tenei and the sole holder of the revered title, Rangata, Whanuï's influence extended far beyond his own Whare. No Ariki could establish a new dominion without Whanuï's grim blessing, for the Rangata's wrath was as swift and merciless as the tempests of destruction they commanded.


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