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Geleka Ku

Geleka Ku is the grand capital of Yimo Xa Ku - The Empire of Order, a city renowned for its structured layout, economic vibrancy, and significant cultural and religious influence. It stands as a testament to the Empire’s commitment to order, discipline, and prosperity.

Historical Significance and Governance:

Geleka Ku has been the heart of the Empire since its founding, serving as the seat of power and administration. The city is meticulously planned, with a focus on symmetry and orderliness, reflecting the Empire's core values. While Empress Wanya Xisati, an Amber Dragonborn, resides in the grand palace on the north side of the city, the day-to-day administration of Geleka Ku is overseen by Yinla Baloyi. Yinla is a capable and disciplined leader, ensuring that the city runs smoothly and adheres to the strict principles of order that the Empire holds dear.  

Economic Prowess:

Geleka Ku’s economy thrives on several key sources of income:  
  • Trade: The city’s strategic position with a well-developed harbor and major roadways makes it a central hub for trade. Goods from across the Empire and beyond flow into Geleka Ku, making its markets diverse and vibrant.
  • Taxes: As the capital, Geleka Ku benefits from taxes collected throughout the Empire. These funds are essential for maintaining the city's infrastructure and supporting public services.
  • Religious Contributions: The south part of the city, known as Tapu Atua, is the religious center. Home to temples dedicated to every orderly god, it attracts pilgrims and devotees, whose donations contribute significantly to the city's wealth.
  • Guild Headquarters: The core of Geleka Ku is organized around the circular Poka Pukapu -Arena, where the main guild halls are located. This includes the headquarters of The Initiated - Monster Hunter Guild and other influential guilds, all of which generate income through their activities and services.

Cultural and Educational Centers:

Geleka Ku is not just an economic powerhouse but also a cultural and educational beacon within the Empire:  
  • Pukapu Plaza: This central circular plaza is the heart of the city. It houses the main guild halls and Pola Pukapu, the largest arena in the Empire. The arena hosts numerous events, from gladiatorial combat to public ceremonies, drawing crowds from across the region and adding to the city's vibrancy.
  • Magutu Magic Campus: Located in the northwest of the city, the Magutu Magic Campus is the premier center for magical studies in the Empire. It attracts scholars, mages, and students, fostering an environment of learning and innovation.

Infrastructure and Development:

Geleka Ku is fully walled, ensuring security and order within its boundaries. The city's infrastructure is a marvel of engineering, with well-maintained roads, public buildings, and residential areas. The layout of the city reflects meticulous planning, with districts clearly defined for different functions.  

Support from the Empire:

As the capital, Geleka Ku receives unwavering support from the Empire. This includes financial backing, military protection, and political reinforcement, ensuring the city's continued growth and stability. The presence of the Empress and the central government further solidifies its importance.  

Current Situation:

Today, Geleka Ku stands as a model city within the Empire of Order. Its economic activities, cultural significance, and religious importance make it a vital and influential center. The city's commitment to the principles of order and its strategic location ensure that Geleka Ku remains a thriving metropolis and the heart of the Empire, under the capable leadership of Yinla Baloyi.
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Main Sources Of Income:
Religious Contributions
Guild Headquarters


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