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Liora Tapiha II

Liora II, daughter of Gareth Tapiha, was born in the embattled stronghold of Whare Moana. Her early years were marked by the harrowing Battle of Moana, a conflict that left an indelible scar on her childhood and profoundly shaped her character.   As a young girl, Liora II was a troublesome and spirited child, her fiery temperament often clashing with her brother, Orin Tapiha. The heartache and trauma from the Battle of Moana haunted her formative years, fueling a rebellious streak and a deep-seated resentment towards the violence that tore her home apart. This turbulent beginning fostered a fierce independence in Liora II, making her both a formidable presence and a source of concern within the Tapiha family.   Despite—or perhaps because of—her tempestuous nature, Liora II possessed a sharp intellect and a keen sense of justice. Her father, Gareth, recognized these qualities and sought to channel her energy into more productive pursuits. He ensured she received a comprehensive education, emphasizing not just martial skills but also governance, strategy, and diplomacy. Gareth’s efforts were not in vain, as Liora II gradually learned to harness her inner turmoil and transform it into a driving force for leadership.   The transition to Marhumbi, following the destruction of Whare Moana, marked a new chapter in Liora II’s life. The shift from a besieged stronghold to a burgeoning city was fraught with challenges, but it also provided opportunities for growth and renewal. Liora II, despite her youthful defiance, began to emerge as a pivotal figure in this new era. Her experiences in Whare Moana instilled in her a profound understanding of resilience and survival, qualities that became invaluable in Marhumbi’s development.   As she matured, Liora II’s rebellious nature tempered into a fierce determination to protect and advance her family’s legacy. Her clashes with Orin evolved from sibling rivalry into a dynamic partnership, albeit one often marked by heated debates and differing viewpoints. While Orin, like their father Gareth, excelled in martial prowess and served as the protector of their cousin Urco, Liora II carved out her niche in the realms of strategy and governance.   Her advisory role to Urco Tapiha during his reign was crucial. Liora II’s insights helped balance military strategies with political diplomacy, guiding the Tapiha family through the complex landscape of alliances and enmities. Her experience withthe Divine Conquest for Order was particularly noteworthy, as she played a key role in navigating the political intricacies of aligning with this new power without compromising the family's values or autonomy.   Liora II also championed cultural and educational initiatives in Marhumbi. She believed that true strength lay not just in military might but in the intellectual and cultural enrichment of the populace. Under her influence, Marhumbi saw the establishment of schools and cultural institutions, fostering an environment of learning and artistic expression that complemented its economic and political growth.   Her legacy is one of resilience and transformation. From a troubled child in the war-torn halls of Whare Moana to a key architect of Marhumbi’s prosperity, Liora II’s journey was marked by struggle and triumph. Her ability to turn personal pain into a source of strength and her relentless pursuit of justice and knowledge left an enduring impact on both her family and the city they came to call home.  


Orin Tapiha


Towards Liora Tapiha II


Liora Tapiha II


Towards Orin Tapiha


31 BC 49 AoO 80 years old
Place of Death
Orin Tapiha (Brother)


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