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Reisum - God of Purges

Reisum, the God of Purges, stands as a harbinger of grim necessity within the Destruction Pantheon. He embodies the merciless ethos of cleansing through annihilation, where the eradication of the old and the corrupt is seen as the only path to renewal. Depicted as a towering, shadowy figure wielding a scythe dripping with the blood of the purged, Reisum’s presence heralds the cold, ruthless fire that devours the diseased to birth the new.  

Influence and Worship

Reisum's influence is invoked during the darkest times of crisis and societal decay, where radical and brutal change is deemed essential. His worshippers believe that purges—whether they be genocides, plagues, or revolutions—are divine instruments for uprooting deep-seated corruption. These adherents often act in secrecy, performing dark rituals that embrace fire and blood as symbols of purification and renewal. The rituals are not for the faint-hearted, often involving sacrifices that stain their hands red with the blood of the guilty and the innocent alike.  

Personality and Traits

Reisum is a cold and unyielding deity, embodying the cruel aspect of destruction as a form of purification. His demeanor is as icy as it is severe, reflecting his unwavering belief in the necessity of brutal measures to cleanse the world. Traits associated with Reisum include ruthless determination, a single-minded vision of renewal through devastation, and a stark, pitiless sense of justice that leaves no room for compassion or mercy.  


Followers of Reisum are often radicals, revolutionaries, and zealots who believe in extreme measures to bring about change. They are driven by a fanatical desire to purge the world of what they see as irredeemable corruption and rot. These adherents may include militant groups, fanatical puritans, and shadowy sects that seek to cleanse society through fire and blood. They view themselves as the necessary instruments of Reisum’s will, carrying out his purges to cleanse Pludeo.   Reisum's rituals are grim and often drenched in blood. Fire rituals are common, where followers burn effigies and sometimes even real symbols of corruption and decay. Sacrifices are made with a solemn, almost morbid duty, as followers believe they are enacting the divine will of Reisum to cleanse the world. These purges, both literal and symbolic, are seen as acts of devotion, with those who carry them out regarded as the purifiers in a world overrun by decay.  

Relationship with Other Deities

Reisum’s role puts him at odds with gods of creation and preservation, as his methods are inherently destructive. His relationship with other deities within the Destruction Pantheon, such as Taurite - God of Cataclysm, is one of mutual respect and dark understanding—they recognize the grim necessity of each other’s roles in the cycle of destruction and rebirth. His relationship with more orderly deities, like Luami - God of Justice, is fraught with tension, as his purges can be seen as both a form of draconian justice and a threat to stability. Reisum shares a particularly destructive synergy with Ani - Goddess of Fire; her flames often act as the purifying force that complements his purges, their combined wrath leaving nothing but ashes for new growth.
"Only through purging can the world be cleansed of its rot."
Aligned Organization

By invoking Reisum, societies acknowledge the need for a purge, even if it means embracing the darkest aspects of destruction. His followers, driven by visions of an other world, act as the relentless agents of this feared process. Through Reisum, the concept of destruction is not merely an end but a necessary beginning—an essential part of the eternal cycle of death and rebirth.


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