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Garomi - Goddess of Destruction

In the annals of celestial history, Garomi, one of the Daughters of Ithar, emerged from the very essence of the cosmos itself. She holds the mantle of the Goddess of Destruction, a title that paints her as a formidable and fearsome figure. Yet, within the depths of her character, one discovers a complexity beyond mere malevolence. The Age of Destruction, a long and relentless era, has cast Garomi in the role of a deity known for her ruthless ways, a force to be both revered and feared. Her persona is intertwined with the harshness of her domain, a realm where the boundaries between creation and annihilation blur. Her believe that destruction is an essential element of balance, progression, and of course power!   Garomi harbors a profound comprehension of the cosmic scales, recognizing that chaos, left unchecked, can disrupt the delicate equilibrium of existence. With this awareness, she undertook the monumental task of reaching out to Xilerxi - Goddes of Order. Together, they embarked on a quest to restore equilibrium, a vital mission following the chaotic turns of the Era of Creation.   Their instructions were clear: wage war against the chaotic creatures spawned by the pantheons of Oreio - Goddes of Chaos and Eda - Goddes of Creation. It was an arduous and protracted battle, one that tested the limits of order and destruction. But in the end, the combined forces of these two formidable sisters prevailed, laying waste to a significant portion of Eda's and Oreio's subgods and creations.   Garomi's creative prowess, however, extends beyond destruction. She crafted a deity named Taurite - God of Cataclysm, a being bound by an unusual existence. Taurite's heart pulses with unyielding rage, yet his power surges in direct proportion to the number of deities in existence. Garomi harnessed this unique creation when the pantheons of Oreio and Eda swelled to staggering numbers. In a climactic battle, Taurite unleashed his cataclysmic strength, obliterating numerous subgods in a single devastating blow. It was a fatal blow for Eda and Oreio, forcing them into retreat, nursing their wounds.   For a fleeting moment, balance was restored, but Garomi recognized an opportunity to wield the power of destruction as a means to instill fear among mortals, compelling them to worship her. Employing various intermediaries, she sowed terror across the world, inaugurating the Age of Destruction. Fear became the ruling force, a pervasive shadow casting Pludeo into barren ruins.   While some of Garomi's followers basked in the comfort of castles and stone structures, the common folk endured in humble tents, toiling relentlessly for their rulers under the weight of impending doom. Garomi, the Goddess of Destruction, held dominion vast and unchallenged. Her reign was marked by fear, control, and the relentless force of annihilation. But the winds of change began to stir with the onset of the Divine Conquest for Order.   As Xilerxi's devout followers embarked on their relentless campaign, step by step, they conquered more and more land. The banners of order unfurled across territories, bringing with them a newfound sense of structure and stability. The once-tight grip of Garomi's influence began to slacken, her dominion diminishing with each passing day.   In the current epoch, much of the known world has fallen under the dominion of Xilerxi's adherents, her realm of order reigning supreme. However, scattered lands remain under the sway of Garomi's influence, each with its own level of organization and motive. Some territories uphold the principles of equilibrium, others are driven by fear, and some merely revel in the spread of terror. A few are dedicated to the sacred passage of death. Thus, while her following may have diminished from its peak, it persists as a force in the world.  

Personality en traits

Garomi, as a personality, embodies ruthlessness, recognizing that sacrifice is often the catalyst for progress, but also a great tool of control. Her pantheon often rules through fear, but there are exceptions to this rule. At a glance, Garomi appears unwavering in her pursuit of destruction. She understands that progress sometimes necessitates sweeping away the old to make room for the new. Her resolute determination drives her to make tough decisions for what she deems the greater good.   Ironically, Garomi is often seen as the wisest among her sisters. Her wisdom arises from her ability to discern the intricate dance of creation and destruction. Understanding the imperative need for balance, although personal interests may sometimes sway her choices towards personal gains. In the grand tapestry of existence, Garomi stands as a testament to the multifaceted nature of divinity, where wisdom, ruthlessness, and the pursuit of equilibrium converge in a complex mosaic of existence.


Eda - Goddess of Creation


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Eda - Goddess of Creation


Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Ithar - Parent of the Gods


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Oreio - Goddess of Chaos


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Towards Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Xilerxi - Goddess of Order


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Taurite - God of Cataclysm


Towards Garomi - Goddess of Destruction


Garomi - Goddess of Destruction

Main Goddes

Towards Taurite - God of Cataclysm


Character Portrait image: Garomi - Goddes of Destruction


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