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The Void - God of the Void

There is no greater tragedy than void. Created first to be a God of War, but destroyed when Stroi - God of War came to be. Reforged to become God of Storms, but destroyed once more as @Murjtook form. Its essence too strong to be truely destroyed, a shapeless mass was left, drifting through the aether. Astife - Goddes of Love and Sirabo - God of Protection, took pity and reached out to show compassion, asking Eda to give it form, but she wouldn't touch it. The essence of destruction pulsing from its form strong enough to repel even the ever existing urge for creation. Astife and Sirabo tried to shelter it and give it form, but being destroyed twice by destruction itself it just took all energy they had until eventually they too had to part ways with it.   Time took over, and as eons past void kept drawing in discarded idea's, wasted energy, broken promises, love lost and the sanity of those that lost their minds. It was when Taurite - God of Cataclysm went and slew Gods that it mostly grew and took form eventually. But with its essence being that of nothing its form is that of absence of live, draped by thrown out rags and chains.  

Personality and Traits

None of the Gods really speak to the void and if he has a personality at all is mostly unknown. Some gods wonder if it holds a weak spot for Astife or Sirabo, but no clear signs are given.   If Void takes any action or if it just exists, many do not know either.  


Many true followers Void does not have, as people are often driven by what they want rather than the absence of that which they do not. Void, however, is spoken about by many; be it to warn children to not let void take them when they saunter around, or when they find it a shame something has gone.
Everything that once was, is now of Void


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