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Whenau Tenei, the City of Destruction

Construction beginning/end


Whenau Tenei, the City of Destruction arose right there were the forces of Destruction came to power.

Where the once-beautiful landscape had been irrevocably scarred, its lush landscapes and vibrant life reduced to dirt and ash, now reigned discord, a discord that birthed the city of anguish. Amidst the desolation of a land, ravaged by the relentless forces of Destruction, the city of Whenau Tenei was build. A city that would stand as a stark symbol of a world in turmoil.   This city was unlike any other, for it was ruled by the General of Destruction, Whanuï, and his offspring. The Whanuï name was whispered in hushed tones, fraught with fear and reverence. Whanuï's mind, a labyrinthine maze of deviance and cunning, was the mastermind behind the construction of this haven of dread.   Here, force, fear, and relentless angst were the cornerstones of authority. General Whanuï, a figure both despised and feared, wielded his dominion with an iron fist, and his rule knew no mercy. His deviant strategies and ruthless tactics left an indelible mark upon the city and its unfortunate inhabitants.   The mortals who found themselves trapped within this unforgiving city were no more than pawns in Whanuï's grand design. They dwelled in the shadows of crude and makeshift structures, where existence itself was a relentless struggle. These pitiable individuals, relegated to lives of ceaseless toil, yearned for naught but the promise of one more day, one more breath, in the hope of eluding the ever-present specter of death.   Whenau Tenei, a name that would forever haunt the annals of Pludeo's history, stood as a grim testament to the unyielding forces of Destruction, a city forever bound to its grim fate.

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