
Capital of Drasnia


Dwarf: 17%
Upper Class:10%

Elf: 18%
Middle Class:34%

Gnome: 7%
Lower Class:56%

Human: 38%

Orc: 3%

Other: 17% (10% Halfling, 5% Half-elf, 2% Dragonborn)


The city proper of Boktor has squat stone walls that are significantly thicker at the base than the top. The swampy lands the city is built on makes it hard enough for invading armies to build siege equipment and most instead have tried to focus on the water gates. The water gates are incredibly heavy stone gates that remain open unless a threat is detected as it requires an hour to close each gate. In the past when invaders were deemed a significant threat the gates were unhinged from the walls and were left to sink into the river barring any significant access to the city. Along the walls are small towers which act more like lighthouses defences although small stores of armaments are kept nearby.

The outer city of Boktor, however, has very few things in regards to defence. There are inconsistent rows of Palisades around more dangerous parts of the city with the local populace instead relying on the protection of various gangs to keep them safe from threats.

The only common defence between both cities is the design of their bridges. 4 men with picks and sledges can take down a bridge in a few minutes which would block the waterway below making the already complex system of travel a labyrinth.


Traveling within Boktor is often easier with a reliable rowboat than with your own two feet. There are dozens of bridges across the numerous canals the break apart the city with the larger island clusters often being grouped into districts. It is possible to get from one end of Boktor to the other via foot however it is by no means practical. Most visitors stay in the districts close to the gate the entered from and relying on the plentiful charter services to navigate the waterways.


The building themselves are relatively simple in construction but wild in design. The only building that is rumored to have a subterranean level is the royal palace. Local legend has it that when the Trade Prince's first gained control of the city they hired hundreds of magic users to magically build a deep vault. For the rest of the city however, the ground is far to swampy to support such works. Instead locals wishing to impress foreigners (or their poorer neighbors) build oddly shaped/colored structures.

Guilds and Factions

Inner City: Flaggalents, Loyalists, Red Cloaks, The Silks, and the Iron Bank   Outer City: Baro's Emporium, The Barrel Boiz, The Fromagi, and The Ratz
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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