The Mist of Drasnia

Since the foundation of the first permanent settlements of Drasnia, the local populace has had tales of the Mists. A thick fog travels around the lands every few decades changing the landscape. For those who are prepared for the Mists it can be a comforting relief as the woods supposedly thicken forming protective groves around settlements. However, caught outside of a grove when the Mists move-in is almost always death.


Local tales tell how wildlife affected by the Mists tend to have an emerald light instead of their eyes and act in lethargic ways. Or how dense vegetation tends to sprout with dangerous vines that almost reach up and grab at passersby. Many villages view the Mists as a blessing from Jeza Baga, a mythological spirit of life and death who overseas the swamps of Drasnia, and will wish for the Mists in time of peril.


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