The Three M's


The Three M's is a collection of stories (typically composed in an epic trilogy) that shares the exploits and challenges faced by the heroes. The main heroes are Mithrandir the Grand, Mandalore of Hawthorne, and Grey Maus. The Three M's along with their numerous companions start off as simple people looking to protect their family and friends and their slow transformation of becoming saviors of the world. The stories show how fame and power can slowly corrupt those of good intent and depicts a strong sense of realism in terms of the consequences the heroes suffer from due to their own hands. The legends also is a very prominent form of literature that shows how various races can come together and treat each other as equals. Mithrandir views his companions as his equals and sometimes betters even if he will outlive them by many centuries. Mandalore sees the bright spark in his friends and foes and is willing to give people worthy a chance at something better. Whereas Maus views all he meets as a chance for a good tale or good fortune (in whos favor is questionable).

Historical Basis

The Three M's are based on true heroes by the same names. Although a lot of the divine tropes and over the top feats have been heavily exaggerated.   Mithrandir Olenial was a high elven mage who was born in a simple elven village. His father was a mage and librarian and taught him the basics before finding a tutor for Mithrandir. Mithrandir would already be considered a fully-fledged mage when he would stumble into Mandalore and Maus in Hawthorne.   Mandalore would have been an orphaned boy who was adopted by a farmer and his wife who lived on the outskirts of Hawthorne. While his parents are unknown, it is a fact that there were both human and not half-storm giant or titan like the stories would later tell (Although due to his physique he most likely was of Jastorf or Vyatich decent). Life on the farm would make the already naturally strong boy much more athletic than most his age. When he was 14 he would work on the side with a local guard who taught him the basics of fighting and even more important defense.   Grey Maus was the fifth son of Earl Grey (original founder of the Grey's Tavern) and was since a young kid a troublemaker. He would often be sneaking around under the various tables pulling pranks on family and patrons alike. Many of the patrons began to refer to him as Grey's Mouse which he would later adopt as his unofficial name of Grey Maus taking a more Jastorf sounding name despite actually being Oscan.   Modern historians have been able to prove that the Three M's existed. Mithrandir was active in the arcane community as well as of that of Hawthorne until about one hundred years ago where he retired to his tower. Mandalore would have a large tomb in current day Saxony which is considered a holy site of Tiellin. Whereas Maus has been recorded numerous times being the captain of the mythical ghost ship The Morningstar during a period where the ship swapped hands a dozen times over 2 decades.   Historians are also able for the most part of Mirthandir's notes and recollection of events able to know which of the Three M's went off on the numerous adventures attributed to them if there were even apart of those adventures at all. Currently, the following adventures have been confirmed without a doubt to have been done by the Three M's: The Bandit King of Kymen Woods, the Slavers of Medietas, the Dragon of the Taw, The Giants of Kjølen, and lastly the Horde at the Loire.   There are some records that a young man from Kymen woods was in charge of a military outpost on the borders of the Kymen woods. While also records at a later date where a northern knight would found an order of knights in what is southern Saxony who was called Mandalor. Numerous records of a troublesome unknown man caught enchanting the wife and daughter of a powerful King who through means unknown vanished overnight from the king's dungeon. Thorin's Hold in the Carpathian Mountains is also attributed to the Three M's as its founder while being a companion of the Three M's seems to have found the hold by himself.


Most people of Jastorf or Oscan decent know the tale of the Three M's. Vyatich people have a folktale that is very similar to the Three M's although has a much darker tone and the Character of Maus takes a more evil role. Whereas Huaxian and Aramean people may know some if any of the tale.

In Literature

There are dozens of written versions of the Three M's exploits. The version most popular is the Trilogy of the Three M's by Chucky Timm who was a wandering troubadour around the time of the Three M's. Timm's version is written in a style similar to the epics common to Jastorf peoples. Wyvandel of Aeroden would compile a historic version of the epic after spending numerous years interviewing people who may have known the Three M's. He would release his findings under "The Three M's: A Seperation of Fact and Fiction" which is often used by historians as a base for further studies.
Date of First Recording
35 B.G
Date of Setting
50 B.G. to 30 B.G.


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