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"With Flames of Boisterous Passion"

Ignis is a county territory within the duchy of Valentia in the kingdom of Valla.   This region is surrounded by mountains with an active volcano close to its capital.   Ignis values strength and honor, and using flames to help protect and care for its people. Whether its for smithing, cooking, or heating homes, Ignis supplies Fire-type Pokemon not only to its neighbors in Valentia, but in several regions across both Valla and Nohr.   Ignis is known for its plethora of Fire-type Pokemon, and specializes in catching and training Fire-type Pokemon to help people all across Ransei.   The current ruler of Ignis is Countess Kai . She is assisted by her younger brother Lord Yukimura.


Ignis is highly known for its exporting prowess across Ransei. Its people are largely boisterous and kind, with the ruling powers being no exception. Several types of people from across Valentia visit Ignis, but the Pokemon Trainers and Breeders of Ignis that help catch Fire-type Pokemon are largely from long-standing families that have been in Ignis for generations.


Ignis has a singular Count/Countess that reports directly to the Vallite Monarch. It also has its own council, which is largely made up of the lesser lords that make their livings off of catching and training Fire-type Pokemon.    Ignis prides itself on honor, and anyone who defaces that honor faces serious punishment, involving intense labor, with one notable punishment being grabbing the blade of a heated sword, cutting and scorching the hands intensely.

Industry & Trade

Fire-type catchers and trainers that help export Pokemon across all of Ransei has made its economy nearly as prosperous as Aurora. It also has an abundance of coal that it ships out as a fuel source. Many commonfolk are either miners or trainers that work for the families that trade Fire-type Pokemon.


With Ignis being in the more mountainous region of Valentia, there are multiple settlements found at the base of these mountains as well as further up its cliffs.    The ruling powers of Ignis, however, had made their buildings close to the volcano located in the reigon, known to be the home of the most species of Fire-type Pokemon in Ignis.


Cave, Floating Rock, Shrine of Truth


Lots of mountains, and notably one volcano by the capital.

Natural Resources

An abundance of Fire-type Pokemon used in trading.   Coal, lava rocks, volcanic ash and minerals, fire gems.
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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