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Neasa, Prince of Thorns (ni-as-ah)

An Archfey of the Unseelie Court. Neasa is known as the Prince of Thorns and uses she/they pronouns. She appears as a beautiful, dark-skinned fey creature with curly hair, thorn-like horns protruding from her head and long, spindly limbs.
She rules over a large fiefdom of the Feywild called the Silverwreath Vale that is cast in a perpetual twilight and filled with twisted brambles, sinister forests, bizarre boglands, and dangerous fey creatures of all shapes and sizes.
Neasa enjoys spreading chaos and inflicting pain on her enemies. They typically prefer to employ subterfuge and trickery to accomplish their goals rather than direct confrontation.
Those known to serve her include darklings, yeth hounds, winter eladrin, and cat sìth, among others. Their subjects are loyal to the fey prince as much out of fear as out of respect.
They once created an artifact called the Mirror of Neasa. It was made as a gift to the demon prince Graz'zt. The mirror was likely partially responsible for the disappearance of the lamia nobles from the Fallen City of Nabopalassar. After said event, the mirror was broken into a few different pieces and scattered throughout the city. By 1422 HE, one small piece somehow made its way to the Corte Calida and fell into the possession of a half-orc student at the Seacliff Collegiate named Lushanka.


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