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Located on the northern tip of Austros, this verdant kingdom spreads across the temperate rainforests and rivers of the region. Its capital city is Tzintzuntzan, from which their king reigns. Each time their monarch dies, a new monarch is elected from among the noble families. The typical inhabitants of the area are humans, forest gnomes, tabaxi, and a race of otterfolk known as conohtli. Purétcha is known for its wealth of fishing as well as excellent metallurgy and craftsmanship.
In the region, they worship various deities.
Offerings to Kukul (Io) typically consist of anything of the natural world (grains, produce, precious gems or metals) to represent the gift that the creator god has given to everyone. Kukul is even featured in the heraldry of the kingdom as a wyrm eating its own tail. Qotal (Bahamut/Shining Scale) is often given feathers or burnt incense as an offering. He's associated with wind and air, as well as wisdom and justice. The Yellow God (Pelor/Sun Father) is given burned animal carcasses as offerings. Those who can afford it give him offerings of roasted cocoa beans. He's tied to the sun and fire. Maztica (Melora/Way Mother) is most often given offerings of fruit and flowers. She's tied to the earth and nature. The Silver Lady (Sehanine Moonbow) is frequently left offerings of water and fish or whale oil. She is most associated with the moon and water.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

Articles under Purétcha


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