Eye Glasses


Eye glasses mitigate optical difficulties by bending light allowing the wearer able to see more clearly. This is done by bending light as it moves through glass. By bending light in opposition to the optical problems of the wearer's eyes, vision difficulties are able to be mitigated or completely overcome.  

Required Technology

Eye Glasses requires the glass technology.  


Eye Glasses depends on Optics.  

Guines Edict

Eye glasses are an allowed technology. While most people prefer to have their eyesight fixed by magic, for some people it's not possible--their personal belief in their own poor eyesight is too strong for the magician to overcome. As corrective vision is important, eye glasses are an allowed technology. This does not allow other forms of lenses as allowed technology (magnifying glasses, telescopes, microscopes), with some being restricted and others completely forbidden. Initially, glasses were a forbidden technology, but the recognition of the apparent inability to correct vision problems for everyone created an exemption for eye glasses in 385.
Access & Availability
Eye glasses are available to anyone that needs and can afford them. Since eyesight is normally fixed via magic, the demand for eye glasses is low and the price correspondingly is high.


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