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ships cook Blueberries (a.k.a. Muffins)

Blueberries is very shy and sweet; she can't remember the first six years of her life because Oliver wiped her memories for her own safety. then he lied about her past and blamed all her hardships on himself. so now she hates him. (it was to protect her) she learned to be an amazing cook over time. she is super excited and bubbly when you get to know her, but at first, she's shy. second in command for the Wolf sisters. gets a bit flustered around Kadam, but she's over him now. that ship has sailed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

slightly chubby, short, not fat just chubby. still ver strong tho... idk y lol

Body Features

her ears and tail have redish with a touch of brown fur, with white tips.

Facial Features

chubby, light stormy blue eyes, freckles, cute natural blush. 1 heart tattoo below the left eye (I just reaalized Blueberries is the cutest out of the whole crew, but shes the only one thats alone. *sad panda*) (definitely not self reflecting)

Identifying Characteristics

6.2 scars, 1 on her upper left arm. 1 on her lower left leg. 1 missing fingernail on her right hand. 1 on her upper right leg. 2 claw marks on neck. 1/5th of burn marks all up and down her arms, blisters and scars from cooking with oil. 4 tattoos, 1 red acceptance symbol on her back. 1 red acceptance symbol on her left wrist enchanted to be able to contact the other acceptance members at any time. 1 snake curling around her left ankle. 1 heart below her left eye. purple cloak.

Physical quirks

has a slight limp,

Special abilities

can talk to animals, can shift into a giant wolf, can cook better than gordon ramsie. lol

Apparel & Accessories

2 hoops in the left ear, 23 knives. khaki capris, light blue t shirt, dull grey blue apron, vibrant purple cloak with silver "C" clasp. collar with silver tag with a "C" on it, for her name before she was abducted, Charlie. 1 silver bracelet on her right wrist.

Specialized Equipment

23 knives. 4 strapped across her chest. 3 enchanted with loyalty strapped to her back. 1 large knife strappede to her lower right leg. 8 throwing knives in her cloak 4 on each side. 6 poisoned knives, 3 on each side of her cloak. 1 chefs knife in her apron pocket. walking stick. rope. handcuffs. collapsible ladel and spatula.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

backstory: when ppickles went into labor with floof, there was nobody to help, nobody that knew how. except a couple minutes earlier Oliver and Juniper had captured a ship, they were going to kill the inhabitants, when one of them, a sweet canise girl, heard Ppickles screaming in draconic, Oliver and Juniper didnt realize she was going into labor, but the Canise wa a vetirnarian and had worked with salamanders giving birth, this was just that but a hundred times bigger. she helped PPickles through the hard process, in return Oliver and Juniper let her and her crewmates live, and that they would keep an eye on and help out her descendants, 200 years later there is only one family left of her descendants, mainly for reasons the crew cant control, infertility and dieing of old age. charlie was a sweet little girl in a family with 5 kids and two loveing parents. one night though her dad lost his job to a mistake that wasnt his fault. instead of going home he wa so upset he spent his last paycheck drinking. he brought some "friends" hed made at the bar home. when they started raping and killing his family, he couldnt save any of them. unbeknownst to the drunk idiots in her house, Charlie slipped away and managed to get out. Oliver came in right then and listened to her story. because of her pleading he didnt kill the drunkards in her house. well he left her father alive. instead he left him to the law enforcement. he brought her home, after finding put that the rest of her family was dead, and despite the fact that Oliver wouldnt kill her father, didnt mean that the rest of the crew wouldnt as well. Oliver mentioned in conversation that he had the power to wipe memories, but not just a little bit, it was all or nothing. Charlie knew the only way to keep her father safe was to wipe her memory, and not tell her until she was old enough to keep his existance a secret. so she pleaded with Oliver to wipe her memory. he resisted. but finally relented. it was the only way. if the rest of the crew found out about this, there would be no stopping them from killing her dad. when he wiped her memory he came up with a quick story off the top of his head. and what he came up with, Blueberries still believes to this day. Oliver was having a night stroll, he saw the Canise girl was llike, hmmm i want a puppy. so he killed her parents and abducted her. in his story she had no siblings. her parents were innocent, and it blamed all of everything on Oliver. Oliver quickly regrets not coming up with a story before hand. he was kind of put on the spot here. and in hindsight there was no need to throw himself under the bus. but this was the story and now he had to roll with it. a 130 years later, her fam abducts a 17 year old boy, having been frozen at 24 herself she waited a couple years, then started flirting with him. his name is Kadam, she is patient, for 69 years then Cranberries gets a duaghter, Silver. Silver immediately also starts hitting on Kadam. Blueberries is furious, she was here first! she was flirting with this hot, gorgeous, watermentalist vampire decades before Silver was even born! they start fighting, little things first. salt in blueberries coffee, silvers blankets being peed on by blueberries pets, then it got worse and worse and worse, until eventually. Ppickles interferes, in front of everyone. "Kadam would like to announce his sexual orientation!" kadam glanced at her "what? I- I do?" Ppickles glared at him, "Yes and he would like everybody to hear! so someone go fetch Blueberries from the kitchen." Blueberries is fetched, "go on Kadam" says Ppickles glaring at him. Kadam blushes "Uh I'm gay?" Ppickles raised an eyebrow, are you asking us or telling us?" Kadam stuck out his tongue at her. "I'M GAY!" he shouts so everyone can hear. ages ago he learned that nobody cared what sexual orientation you were, nobody was homophobic about it. Kale thought it was confusing but the rest of the crew had given up on her. Kadam turned to Ppickles with confusion, "what was that about?" Ppickles held up a finger, " wait for it." Kadam turned right as he got slapped in the face by Blueberries, quickly followed by Silver. about a year later Blueberries adopts a daughter, 17 year old Candy. she defends Candy from the crew.

Gender Identity





she has a basic education, but specializes in culinary skills.


ships cook

Failures & Embarrassments

is the only one without a partner or potential future partner.

Mental Trauma

cant remember the first six years of her life

Intellectual Characteristics

good cook, can memorize recipes quite easily.

Morality & Philosophy

dont hurt animals. hurt cats. humanoids evil especially oliver. kill, unless u dont feel like it but generally just kill.


hurting dogs

Personality Characteristics


help doggo help fam save Orchid save Candy and her sibs

Savvies & Ineptitudes

good cook, knife specialist.

Likes & Dislikes

fav drink: pumpkin spiced latte dislikes: cats

Virtues & Personality perks

really good with animals, except cats.

Vices & Personality flaws

cant stand cats, has to deal with them tho.

Personality Quirks

ears flick back when she wants something or someone. licks her lips when uncomfortable, pants when overheating, growls when angry or threatened. whines when stressed or hurt. tail lists from side to side when confused. tilts head when confused. tail wags ferociously when happy or excited   always has one or more canines following her around.


very clean in the kitchen, her bedroom however is a mess, doesnt like baths. but washes her hands consistantly. she still bathes just doesnt like it.


Contacts & Relations

has few friends or diplomatic relations among humanoids, among hybrids and creatures she is quite popular, feared but respected.

Family Ties

mother figure to Candy, daughter figure of Ppickles and Cranberries, aunt figure to Sammie, bestie of Floof

Religious Views

ensor beliefs but not practices

Social Aptitude

very social among creatures, unless they r cats introvert ver shy among most humanoids. is ver chipper when u get to know her.


ears flick back when she wants something or someone. licks her lips when uncomfortable, pants when overheating, growls when angry or threatened. whines when stressed or hurt. tail lists from side to side when confused. tilts head when confused. tail wags ferociously when happy or excited

Hobbies & Pets

familiar: wag the dog the entire canise army


speaks in a tranvillas accent, rolls her rs and all that.

Wealth & Financial state

rich bitch

shy, sweet, short, Canise girl. an amazing cook. can be very fierce when her family needs it.

View Character Profile
chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
3600 PA
West Earlguis, Tranvillas
Current Residence
the acceptance ship
stormy light blue
straw straight, brown a bit lighter towards the top, this is why she is called muffins because with her cloak and everything she looks like a blueberry muffin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
animal languages hct draconic asl

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What did Reeds see?
3800 PA

Reeds laughed delightedly as she ran up to Breeze. Reeds was a shy sweet 18 year old girl with chocolate brown straight hair usually with 5 or 6 mini braids with colorful beads. Pulled up into a ponytail. Today she wore her work clothes, her leaf green tunic and cuffed skinny jeans with jade green tennis shoes. She always wears the jade green peace choker. Her eyes were mismatched sparkling with laughter, her left was a light sky blue and her left a dark forest green. The sky was an endless void of cerulean. The sun shone through the cloudless expanse. Reed's laughter was quickly replaced by a surprised yelp as her foot hit a Crack in the sidewalk, her arms pinwheeling as she tried to regain her balance, it was too late, her balance toppled like a building in an earthquake, the ground rushed up to meet her. Gentle hands shot out and grabbed her shoulders just in time to catch her, she grunted as she supported Reeds full weight. Breeze groaned as she picked up the girl she was supporting by the shoulders and placed her back on her feet, ooof! “Why're you so light?” Reeds frowned at the question. “Wha-” Breeze laughed, her eyes sparkling in delight. Breeze rarely took human form, Despite that she was a very beautiful human, wavy dirty blonde hair that was almost brown. Hazel eyes, and freckles on her olive skin. In human form she usually wore a green Hoodie with a wolf face on it. Her body was drowned in the ginormous Hoodie making her look smaller than she was, but she had hidden strength. “Don't question my weirdness, you looked excited, what did you want to tell me?” Reeds face brightened at the reminder, “Oh I just met Blueberries mother! She is so cool!” Breeze raised a skeptical eyebrow, “How so?” “Well just like Blueberries she's an amazing cook! She can sew, and she's written like three books! All about animal care of course!” Breeze snickered “did she show you a picture of Blueberries as a Baby?” Reeds giggled “oh she tried to but she couldn't find her phone.” Blueberries ran up to the other two wolf sisters, Reeds was describing something excitedly with a very animated face and big hand gestures. “Hey guys, what are you talking about?” Breeze turned her eyes shining with delight, “Blueberries your mom is awesome.” Blueberries frowned “what are you talking about? My mom is dead.”

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